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On macOS®, a device file is created in the / directory. S is an alpha-numeric serial string unique
to each device
/dev/tty.usbserial S
Los dispositivos incorporan un circuito convertidor USB a UART FT230X de FTDI International.
En Windows 7 o posterior, se podría instalar automáticamente un controlador (si Windows está
configurado para descargar controladores de Internet automáticamente). If this is not the case,
or if a Mac® or Linux® platform is used, the driver may be downloaded from www.ftdichip.com.
Los controladores VCP son obligatorios. For Linux® or Mac computers, the default OS drivers
should be used.
The default communications settings should be set to 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and
one stop bit. This is sometimes referred to as "115200,8,N,1". No se utiliza control de flujo.
ANSI terminal emulation should be selected