Setting Permissions of your "Music" Folder
1. Select the Macintosh HD icon situated on the desktop.
2. Select the "Users" folder.
3. Select the folder corresponding to your account name.
4. Click once on the "Music" folder so it is selected.
5. Go to the "File" menu and select "Get Info":
6. In the new window, click on the triangle next to "Ownership &
Permissions" and also "Details" to expand their menus.
7. If the padlock next to "Owner" is closed, click on it to unlock it and the
owner will un-grey. If the computer asks for your password to unlock,
enter your password and press return:
8. In the "You Can" drop-down menu, select "Read & Write". For the
"Owner" access, select "Read & Write". In the "Group" drop-down
menu you need to select "Guest":
9. This will bring up an "Authenticate" window. Please enter your
username and password and press return:
10. In the "Group" menu, select "Guest" and change its' "Access" to
"Read & Write".
11. Set the "Others" access to "Read & Write":
12. Select the "Apply to Enclosed Items" button. A window will now
appear asking if you are sure to set the folders permissions within
the "Music" folder to be identical to the "Music" folder itself.
13. Press "OK" and close the window.
14. This process is now complete.