All rights reserved.No spreading abroad without permission of Caltta.
The Program menu includes the following functions:
Tree Menu
The tree menu is below the menu bar, and it classifies configuration
functions by module in the form of a tree. To configure a function or
property, you can select Edit from the menu bar or enter the function or
property from the tree menu. It is recommended that you display the tree
menu to facilitate your operations.
The tab bar is below the tool bar, and it shows the opened windows in the
form of tabs according to the opening sequence, so that you can switch to
any window as needed. It is recommended that you display the tab bar to
facilitate your operations.
The tool menu is below the menu bar. It shows common operation menus
in the form of icons and thus makes your operations more convenient. It is
recommended that you display the tool bar to facilitate your operations.
The status bar is located at the bottom of the window. It shows the model
of the property that you are configuring, its frequency band,
communication port, and the current date and time.
5 Common Setting
5.1Common Setting-General Setting
5.1.1 Common Setting-General Setting-Common Setting
Common Settings
Repeater Alias
The repeater alias can be viewed and set via menu by users.
The maximum length is 16 characters.
Last Programmed Date
This option indicates the last date on which the radio was programmed.