high resistance (120 volt elements) = ————————
rated heat output in watts
low resistance (120 volt elements) = ————————
rated heat output in watts
high resistance (240 volt elements) = ————————
rated heat output in watts
low resistance (240 volt elements) = ————————
rated heat output in watts
The number of watts is given on the System Components List.
If the resistance reading does not fall within the above numbers, contact Calorique technical
support at (508) 291-4224 for remedies.
Is the input voltage to the heating elements correct?
The design voltage is clearly marked on the faceplate of the
control unit. Operating heating elements at greater than
their design voltage can cause overheating of the elements
and tank contents. Operating elements at lower than their
design voltage may result in insufficient heat output to
properly maintain contents temperature.
If the input voltage is not correct: disconnect the system
from power and contact Calorique technical support.
Is there material in the tank?
An empty tank, or a tank with a contents level below the
level of the heating elements will, in a short time, result in
an over-temperature situation.
If no: either fill the tank or shut off the heating system until
the tank has been filled.
If yes: check to see if the material is thick and sludge-like. If
it is, then mechanical agitation (mixing) may be required to
ensure that heat is evenly distributed through the contents.
If the material has a low viscosity (like water), proceed to
the next troubleshooting question.
Is each heating element operating?
Check the Heater Circuits Active indicator lights. When the Main
Heater Relay light is illuminated, each heater circuit light should
also be lit (unless there is no heating element attached to the
particular circuit). Ensure that any non-operating element is cor-
rectly wired into the control unit. If it is (they are): contact
Calorique technical support.
If the above remedies do not fix the problem, call Calorique
technical support at (508) 291-4224 for additional help.