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recommend not disconnecting the device from the electric current. An internal memory 
ensures the maintenance of data for a maximum period of 4 hours without electricity, 
after which time, all the acquired data is canceled, and the learning process must start 
from the beginning.

Every time the temperature is configured, the “ECO EVO” function deactivates 
automatically, and the corresponding icon turns off. The product will continue to operate 
in the selected program mode, with the ECO function inactive.

To erase the acquired data voluntarily, keep the “ECO” key pressed for more than 5 
seconds. When the reset process is complete, the word “ECO” blinks rapidly to confirm 
the effective cancellation of data.

“Shower Ready” Display

The product is equipped with an intelligent function to minimize the water heating time. 
No matter what temperature the user selects, the “shower ready” icon will light up as 
soon as there is sufficient water for at least one shower (40 liters of hot water mixed 
at 40




When the equipment detects a problem (described later), the device enters a standby 
state and all the control panel LEDs blink simultaneously.


 to activate the diagnostic function, press the ON/OFF button (Ref. A) for 5 

seconds. Depending on the problem, LEDs will blink (Ref. 1-5) according to the following 

(See Fig. 6)


Possible Malfunctions

Description of the malfunction


Ref. 1 - Internal malfunction of the electronic card.

Ref. 1 and 3 - Internal malfunction of the electronic card (NFC communication or NFC data).

Ref. 3 - Damaged temperature sensor (open circuit or short circuit) - hot water outlet tank.

Ref. 5 - Excessive water temperature detected by a sensor - hot water outlet tank.

Ref. 4 and 5 - General excess temperature (damaged electronic card).

Ref. 3 and 4- Lack of water heating with supplied resistance - hot water outlet tank.

Ref. 3, 4 and 5 - Excessive heating caused by lack of water - hot water outlet tank.

Ref. 2 and 3 – Damaged temperature sensor (open circuit or short circuit) - cold-water inlet tank.

Ref. 2 and 5 - Excessive water heating detected by a sensor - cold water inlet tank.

Ref. 2, 4 and 5 - General excess temperature (damaged electronic card).

Ref. 2, 3 and 4 - Lack of water heating with supplied resistance - cold-water inlet tank.

Ref. 2, 3, 4 and 5 - Excessive heating caused by lack of water - cold-water inlet tank.

To exit the diagnostic function, press the ON/OFF button (Ref. A) or wait 25 seconds

Summary of Contents for LEVITTAS 45 L

Page 1: ...e que se registra el alta del producto es totalmente gratuita y no est condicionada a ninguna compra Opera en los mismos t rminos de la garant a original y no es acumulable con otras promociones de ga...

Page 2: ...NCIA Debe leer completamente este manual antes de instalar su calentador de agua debido a que ste opera con electricidad Se sugiere que la instalaci n sea realizada por un Centro de Servicio Calorex E...

Page 3: ...anel de Control Porcelanizado TITANIUM PLUS evita la oxidaci n y picaduras del tanque Cables de alimentaci n L nea Marron Neutro Azul Tierra F sica verde amarillo V lvula de alivio Ayuda a controlar e...

Page 4: ...a su funcionamiento El calentador debe fijarse perfectamente para evitar movimientos durante temblores de tierra y o terremotos y as prevenir que se caiga de su posici n adem s deber contar con la pro...

Page 5: ...tipo de sistema alimentador con el que cuenta en su domicilio ya que existen dos tipos Sistema abierto por medio de tinaco para alimentaci n de agua al calentador se debe instalar en la entrada de ag...

Page 6: ...te es un mecanismo normal y no representa falla alguna en el calentador Evite que se derrame el agua indebidamente instalando en la salida de la v lvula de alivio un tubo de desag e hacia el drenaje P...

Page 7: ni tampoco omitir la instalaci n del jarro de aire en la salida de agua caliente en el sistema abierto de lo contrario un aumento excesivo en la presi n de agua podr a da ar las instalaciones o def...

Page 8: ...o ste debe sustituirse por un cord n o ensamble especial disponible por parte del fabricante o por su agente de servicio autorizado R1 R2 Bot n on off Ajuste de temperatura Visualizaci n de temperatur...

Page 9: ...deben de hacer con un amarre tipo cola de rata se recomienda hacer uso de los colores con los que est cableado el calentador de agua 6 Aseg rese y verifique que el cable verde de la tierra f sica que...

Page 10: ...iento los leds Ref 1 5 correspondientes a la temperatura alcanzada por el agua se mantienen encendidos los siguientes hasta la temperatura configurada parpadean de forma progresiva Si la temperatura d...

Page 11: ...Cuando el equipo detecte alg n problema descritas m s adelante el aparato entra en un estado de stand by y todos los leds del panel de control parpadear n simult neamente Diagn stico para activar la...

Page 12: ...desinfecci n t rmica La funci n viene activada de f brica Consiste en un ciclo de calentamiento mantenimiento del agua a 60 C durante 1 hora para ejercer una acci n de desinfecci n t rmica contra las...

Page 13: se puede realizar removiendo la costra de cal prestando especial atenci n para no estropear la coraza de la resistencia Los nodos de magnesio Fig 1 debe ser sustituido cada dos a os si no se sustit...

Page 14: ...entador y de la tuber a Un flujo de agua constante en la llave de agua caliente indica un calentador lleno de agua Tabla de Caracter sticas T cnicas Descripci n L vittas 45 L vitas 65 Capacidad L 45 6...

Page 15: ...COMUNIQUESE AL CENTRO DE SERVICIO CALOREX Los datos y las caracter sticas no comprometen a la empresa fabricante que se reserva el derecho de aportar todas las modificaciones que considere oportunas s...

Page 16: ...l uso o instalaci n defectuosa Si se trata de defecto de fabricaci n la obligaci n ser dejarlo en condiciones normales de funcionamiento en un plazo no mayor a treinta 30 d as a partir de la fecha en...

Page 17: ...s not conditioned on any purchase It operates on the same terms as the original warranty and cannot be cumulative with other extended warranty promotions It applies as long as the warranty registratio...

Page 18: ...RECOMMENDATIONS W ARNING Read the full manual before installing your water heater as it is electrically operated Installation by a Calorex Service Center is recommended This appliance is not intended...

Page 19: ...ADAPTERS 2 FIG 1 TITANIUM PLUS porcelain finish Thermal insulation GREEN FOAM Control Panel Magnesium Anode Relief valve High performance electrical resistance Helps to control excessive heater pressu...

Page 20: ...against the rain preferably a roof at a minimum of 80cm from the heater cover This water heater can be installed inside or in enclosed spaces because it does not require ventilation The heater must b...

Page 21: ...good heater installation verify the type of water feed system you have at your home there are two different types Open system with a cistern to supply water to the heater an air tube must be installed...

Page 22: ...e water exits through the relief valve This is a normal mechanism and does not mean the heater has a failure Avoid undue water spills by installing a drainage tube at the relief valve exit towards the...

Page 23: ...n must not be canceled in the closed system the air tube installation must not be omitted at the hot water outlet in the open system Otherwise an excessive water pressure increase could damage the ins...

Page 24: ...cord is damaged it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or its authorized service agent R1 R2 CPU NTC 1 NTC 2 NTC 3 NTC 4 Heater Element Source 127 V Neutral...

Page 25: ...tie We recommend using the colors used in the water heater wiring 6 Ensure and verify that the green physical ground cable which must be yellow green color is correctly connected to the terminal at th...

Page 26: ...blink progressively For example if the temperature decreases after water is used heating is reactivated automatically and the LEDs between the last fixed lit LED and the one corresponding to the conf...

Page 27: ...state and all the control panel LEDs blink simultaneously Diagnostic to activate the diagnostic function press the ON OFF button Ref A for 5 seconds Depending on the problem LEDs will blink Ref 1 5 a...

Page 28: ...ty Thermal disinfection cycle function The function is activated by default It is a cycle of water heating maintenance at 60 C for 1 hour performed to exert a thermal bacterial disinfection action The...

Page 29: ...ingliquidisrecommended butifnotused theresistancecanbecleaned by removing the crusted lime taking special care not to damage the resistance shell The magnesium anodes Fig 1 must be replaced every two...

Page 30: ...ntinuous water flow at the hot water tap indicates that the heater is full of water Table of Technical Characteristics Description L vittas 45 L vitas 65 Capacity L 45 65 No of Services 1 1 Total Heig...

Page 31: ...reserve the right to provide all the modifications considered appropriate without prior notice or substitution VI W ARRANTY CERTIFICATE The Calorex Electric Water Heater has been carefully designed an...

Page 32: ...ppm voids the warranty Calentadores de Am rica reserves the right to settle whether the cause of the malfunction was due to improper use or a defective installation If there is a factory defect the w...
