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h. When the pipework installation is complete the pool pump should be switched on and the system tested for
leaks. Also check the filter gauge to see that there is not an excessive increase in back pressure. If
everything is then working normally the water circulating system is ready to use.
Water circuit to and from unit to be capable of maintaining within specified limits the rate of flow required by
heat pump (see data sheet).
All pipework must be adequately supported with allowance for expansion/contraction especially with plastic
k. It is recommended that when installing water systems the last connections to be made in the system
should be the breakable connections to avoid any stresses on to the unit connections.
1. All Pool Purifying Devices and Chemical Injection Systems to be fitted down stream of heat pump
unless installation is as per Filter dosing (See figure 4). This includes the practice of dosing
chemicals direct into Skimmer Basket, which results in concentrated corrosive liquids passing over
metal components.
2. Water quality must be maintained as follows:
7.4 ± 0.4
Total Alkalinity:
80 - 120 ppm as CaCo
Total Hardness:
100 - 300 ppm as CaCo
Total dissolved solids:
Max. 3000 ppm
Saline Water
Maximum concentration 6% wt/wt
Chlorine - free Cl range
1.0 - 3.0 ppm
0.8 - 1.0 ppm
2 - 3 ppm
25 - 50 ppm
Aquamatic Ionic Purifier
Maximum 2 ppm Copper
Tam Pure Purifier
Maximum 2 ppm Copper
Sherwood Purifier
Maximum 2 ppm Copper
3. Maximum pressure of water in heat pump circuit should not exceed 3.5kg/cm
(50 psi)