PGUI / PGUI32 Training Manual
6.5 Saving Transient programs
Transient programs can be saved to disk for later recall. This allows you to create a library of
commonly used test programs. The transient program information is stored in ASCII text files with a
TLS extension. It is recommended that you do not edit these files directly using a text editor but rather
use the PGUI program to edit existing TLS files. You can load any file using the ‘Load’ button. It is
also possible to print any loaded transient program using the Print button.
The following exercise will show you how to save a transient program, clear the contents of the
Transient window and then reload the program we just saved.
1. Using the last transient program we have created, click on the ‘Save’ button.
2. This brings up the File Save dialog box shown here.
3. The default directory is the PGUI program directory. You can change to any
directory and or drive you like.
4. Enter a descriptive file name. A TLS extension will be added automatically.
5. Click on OK to save the transient program under this name.
6. Clear the present contents by clicking on the Clear key located in the bottom
right corner of the Window.
You will be asked to confirm since this action wipes all the entire grid contents.
Click on Yes to acknowledge the fact that you do indeed want to start from an
empty grid.
7. Now that all your transient information is gone, click on the ‘Load’ button
and select the TLS file you saved earlier.
8. This restores the transient program you saved earlier.
9. Close the Transient program and return to the Main program Window.