File / buffer commands
Quit, abandon all changes.
Exit, save changes.
:e file-name
Edit a file in a separate buffer.
Step through buffers.
Find / replace commands
/ pattern
Goto the next occurrence of 'pattern'.
Repeat the last search.
:%s/pattern/text/gc Replace each occurrence of 'pattern' in the document with 'text'. Ask for
confirmation before executing each replace.
You normally will use the cursor keys at your keyboard for moving in the text rather than typing the
commands shown in the table above. If however the cursor keys do not work for some reason, knowing the
command characters may be very helpful.
'vi' in the MS Windows telnet client
To make the MS Windows telnet client work well with the vi editor, you should configure the telnet client as
shown below.
it is important to have the following parameters set:
No local echo selected.
The VT100/ANSI emulation chosen.
The buffer size set to 24 lines.
VT100 cursor keys enabled.
With these settings you get most comfortable control about the vi editor in the telnet window. Text scrolling
works as you expect with a buffer size of 24 lines, with the VT100 cursor keys enabled you can move in
the text even in INSERT mode.
(C) 2020, SatService GmbH
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