Caley Coaches
CL02/2a Building Instructions
Page 10
7.16 Solder the chimney, dome and safety valve of your choice in place together with the whistle.
7.17 Finally, drill two holes in the smokebox front as indicated and fit the cylinder lubricators of your
choice using your photograph as a guide.
Section 8 Splashers and fittings
8.1 Bend the middle splasher tops (part 21) to shape and solder onto the middle splasher sides (part
20). Remember to make a handed pair.
8.2 Temporarily mate the body and chassis, position the middle splashers and solder them to the
8.3 Take the front splasher/sandbox sides (part 22) and tops (part 23) and solder together along the
straight top section (N.B. half etched section to the outside (or top)). Now solder the half etched
section to the curved portion of the splasher, shaping as you go. Drill the top flat section centrally
to take the sandbox filler and fit. Again remember to make a handed pair of splashers and solder
them to the footplate behind the smokebox front with the edges inline with smokebox front
8.4 We now come to another variation between the two classes - the upper frames. In the case of the
652 this is simply one piece (part 18) which lies against the firebox/footplate junction and along
the inner edge of the middle splasher and footplate. The 812 has a front section (part 19F) and
a rear (part 19R) with no frame visible behind the middle splasher. The rear section again lies
against the firebox/footplate junction but stops at the middle splasher while the front section lies
along the inner edge of the footplate between the middle and front splashers. Solder the upper