Field testing procedure
1) Check operation of the discharge. When inlet water pressure drops to atmospheric, the valve
must open the vent port and discharge the contained amount of water in the valve body.
a. Close shutoff valves upstream and downstream.
b. Open the upstream test cock
The water contained in the body must be discharged, indicating that the diaphragm has opened
the vent port.
2) Check for tightness of the internal second check valve. When backpressure is applied to the
downstream side of the valve, the internal second check valve must close back drip tight on its seat.
a. Close shutoff valves upstream and downstream.
b. Open the upstream test cock
c. Install a removable bypass hose connecting inlet test cock to downstream test cock and open
them for admitting pressure to the downstream side of the internal second check valve. Water must
not drip from the vent port indicating that the second check valve is not leaking.
A replacement body assembly, 573100A, is available for order.