[S H I F T ] [2] — Celsius
Displays and enters value as Celsius
( ° C ) .
[S H I F T] [1] — Board Feet
Displays and enters value as board
feet (BdFt).
[S H I F T] [•] — Per Unit Function
Allows you to calculate total material
cost, if you multiply the total amount
of material by the per unit cost of the
[S H I F T] [–] — Change Sign
Toggles the sign of the displayed
value. (Positive or negative.)
[S H I F T ] [÷] — Square Root Function
Calculates and displays the square
root of a number. You will get an
e r ror if you try to find the square
root of a linear or volume value.
[C O N V] [+] — Pi Constant (
An internal constant: 3.141593.
[C O N V] [/] — Exponential Notation
Used to enter exponential values.
[C O N V] [Rcl] — Memory Clear
Clears the value in memory without
changing the display.
1 0 – Ultra Measure Master