22 — ElectriCalc LT
Finding kVA Rating
What is the kVA rating for a 120/208
volt, three-phase 65 amp transformer?
Steps Keystrokes Display
Reset calculator
[Set] [x]
Enter volts
208 [Volts]
208. VOLT
Enter amps
65 [Amps]
65. AMPS
Solve for kVA
[kilo-] [VA] 23.417327 KVA
Finding Wattage
A 120 volt single-phase 45 amp electri-
cal motor has an 87% power factor.
What is its wattage?
Steps Keystrokes Display
Clear calculator
[On/C] [On/C]
Set to 1-phase
[Set] 1
1 PH
Enter volts
120 [Volts]
120. VOLT
Set power fact % 87 [Set] [Watts]
87 PF%
Enter amps
45 [Amps]
45. AMPS
Solve for watts
4,698. WATT