10 — Construction Master IV
[Conv] [Hip/V] — Irregular Pitch
Enters and displays the irregular
pitch value used to calculate lengths
of the irregular hip/valley and jack
[Jack] — Jack Rafter Key
Finds the jack rafter sizes – from
largest to smallest – for both regular
and irregular pitched roofs. The
initial jack rafter values displayed
are from the regular pitched side.
After showing the minimum value,
the calculator will display the sizes
for the irregular pitched side. An
on-center spacing can be entered by
pressing [Jack] (i.e., 12 [Inch]
[Jack]). The default spacing is 16
inches (Metric Mode: 600 millime-
[Conv] [Jack] — Irregular Side Jacks
Operates same as [Jack], but dis-
plays the irregular pitched side jack
rafters first. The calculator uses the
same on-center spacing as the
regular pitch sided jack rafters un-
less a new on-center spacing is en-
tered (19.2 [Inch] [Conv] [Jack]).