The following examples show how lin-
ear dimensions are entered:
5 Feet
5 [Feet]
1/2 Inch
1 [/] 2
5 Feet 1-1/2 Inch 5 [Feet] 1 [Inch] 1 [/] 2
10 Yards
10 [Yds]
17.5 Meters
17.5 [m]
Any units of measurement other than
inches must be entered as whole values
(5 yards) or decimal values (5.5 meters),
and not in combination with feet and
inches or with themselves. For exam-
ple, you cannot enter 12 meters 6 cen-
timeters 4 millimeters.
To convert a linear value on your dis-
play, press the
key, then the
key for the linear dimension to which
you want to convert. For example,
[CONV] [mm]
converts to millimeters.
User’s Guide – 31
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