#9 Viper_SC_Manual_
001-5008-000_Rev12e.docx |
Page 67
VPN Password.
The VPN configuration login password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least three of
the following character types: (1) uppercase letters, (2) lowercase letters, (3) numbers, and (4) special characters.
Key Strength.
Default = 128.
This value represents the strength (in bits) of the master key used by
the VPN client and the VPN server.
Enter 128
for a Master Key that is 16 bytes (16 characters).
Enter 192
for a Master
Key that is 24 bytes (24 characters).
Enter 256
for a Master Key that is 32 bytes (32 characters). This Key Strength is the
same for all VPN keys. The Master Key Strength must be the same for the VPN server and all its clients.
Master Key.
Since hexadecimal (numeric) characters contain 8 bits (compared to binary-numeric characters which
contain 7 bits) and permit the user to enter the equivalent of non-printable characters, they provide stronger security.
A hexadecimal value can be entered if started with “0x”. Example for a 128 bit Master Key (2+32 characters):
0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff. If spaces are used, the master key must be entered inside the quotation
marks as shown: a_16-byte_string, or “a 16-byte string”. The Master Key Strength and the Master Key have to be the
same for a VPN server and all its clients.