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LMU-1300 Training Guide
Revision & Date
APP: o
<App ID>:
The Application ID value of the LMU indicating the host platform and the wireless networking technology
of the LMU.
<Firmware Version>:
The current firmware version in use by the LMU
This is the signal strength the wireless modem sees from the network. In general the LMU is at least
scanning for the network if the RSSI is not -113.
If the character ‘D’ is present, it indicates the LMU had a data session established when it responded to
the status request. For the 8-Bit product line an upper case ‘D’ indicates both the Inbound and
Maintenance sockets are ready. The lower case ‘d’ indicates that only the Maintenance socket is ready. A
‘.’ indicates no sockets are ready.
This field indicates if the LMU has received an Acknowledgement from the Inbound server. This field will
be empty if the LMU has never received an ACK. The lower case ‘a’ will be present if it has received an
ACK since the last cold boot (i.e. power cycle) but not the last warm boot (App Restart or Sleep). The
upper case ‘A’ will be present if the LMU has received an ACK since the last warm boot. A ‘.’ Indicates no
acknowledgement has been received.
This field indicates if the LMU’s log is currently active. An ‘L’ indicates that the log is currently in use (i.e.
one or more records have been stored) where a ‘.’ indicates the log is inactive.
[IP Address]:
This is an optional field if and is only present if the LMU has established a valid data session. This field will
contain the current IP address of the LMU as assigned by the wireless network. Note that if you see a
value of, this is an indication that the LMU has not been able to establish a data session.
The current Access Point Name in use by a GSM LMU.