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LMU-1300 Training Guide
Revision & Date
Individual PEG “lines” cannot be updated via Param Write or SMS.
When updating a PEG2 script section, you must provide the complete script.
Note: Configuration Parameters (!CP section) can still be updated as individual parameters via
Param Write or SMS.
Event Index Field
The LMDirect protocol defines the Event Index field as the PEG1 Config Parameter index number
of the event that generated the report.
Since this field is limited to 1-byte in the LMDirect protocol and the LMU-1300 uses PEG2 which
can have an indefinite amount of PEG “Lines”, this field has a slightly new definition. The table
below indicates the differences:
PEG1 Event Index
PEG2 Event Index
Values should range from 0-249.
255 representing a Real Time PEG Action
Values should range from 0-253.
254 representing any PEG line number
exceeding 253
255 still representing a Real Time PEG Action
Remote Debug PEG Action
Unlike the LMU32 platforms, EdgeCore (LMU-1300) is always logging at a default level. There is
no need to “start capturing” data using Peg Action 144, Modifier 1. To use this PEG Action on the
EdgeCore there is a different definition of the modifiers as shown in the following table.
LMU 8 Bit: PEG Action 144 Definition
LMU-1300: PEG Action 144 Definition
Peg Action 144 0 - Stop capturing the LMU
debug in SPI Flash
Peg Action 144 1 - Start capturing the LMU
debug into SPI Flash.
Peg Action 144 2 - Stop capturing and send
the debug captured so far as a file to the
Peg Action 144 0 - Save log files in a tar ball in
/data/backup/. This is useful for someone at
the AT Console to save logs when desired.
Peg Action 144 1 - Upload the existing saved
log if the URL specified by Param 2328 is
Peg Action 144 2 - Save log files in a tar ball in
/data/backup/ and upload the file. This is good
for timer or event based log saving.
Modem/GPS Reset
The LMU-1300 hardware architecture does not support rebooting the modem and/or GPS, since
both are on the same chip, they both use the same power rail. A complete system reboot is
required to reboot either function.