of each byte and shows the sum's last four digits on the LCD's upper
row. The second one is calculated by adding up each byte and shows on
the LCD's lower row. The first value has the advantage of knowing if
the master IC is a blank one or not. For a byte in a erased status(0xFF),
adding up its one's complement will always get a '0000' checksum no
matter what the size the IC is.
Each time when the calculated value is different from the previous
one, a '*' mark will show on the LCD, leading its value, and a longer
beep is accompany with to alert the user.
Verify the contents of the slave ICs with the master in a byte by byte
basis. At the end of this command, some IC's protect status(see section
5) will also be verified with the PSB settings. When you see a red lamp
lights just at the final moment, it can almost be sure that it is caused by
the un-match of the protection status.
Each time after the power is on, the verify action is conducted only
once at the normal VCC voltage. A special mode can be set to verify it
twice at different voltage levels, one at a higher v5% or +10%)
and the other one at a lower voltage(-5% or -10%). This includes the
verify action embedded in the COPY command.
This command doing a blank check and/or erase action first, then
copy the memory contents of the master IC to all the slave ICs. At last, a
VERIFY command was executed to make sure the contents is correct.
A "
" command can be issued by depressing the "COPY" key
and hold it down until the programmer acknowledged it with a beep
sound. This command will bypass the blank check and/or erase action,
start the copy of memory immediately.