Atmel 49F001T/002T Operation
These chips have a boot block with lockout feature. This feature
works in a OTP (one-time-program) way, which means once it had been
activated, it can't be unlocked anymore. To prevent it from accidentally
enabled, the user must set the Protect-Setting-Byte (PSB) to the value of
5A(HEX) to let the programmer activate this lockout feature
automatically in the COPY command. (Since version 1.16)
Atmel 49F010/020/040 Operation
These chips have a boot block with lockout feature. This feature
works in a OTP (one-time-program) way, which means once it had been
activated, it can't be unlocked anymore. To prevent from accidentally
enabled, the user must set the Protect-Setting-Byte (PSB) to the value of
5A(HEX) to let the programmer activate this lockout feature
automatically in the COPY command.(Since version 1.16)
The VERIFY command will compare the content of all salves with
the master device first, then compare their lockout status with the PSB
setting. Only those which have both comparisons passed will be
recognized as a good one.(Since version 1.16)
Atmel AT80C1051/2051 Operation
The setting of the Lock bits are stored in the Protect-Setting-Byte
(PSB) of the programmer. This value also control some command's
(COPY, VERIFY and DOWNLOAD) operation.
The followings explain each bit's meaning and location. Please be
noted that the programmer doesn't use any of these information stored in
the master IC.
BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
x x x x x LB2 LB1 x