email: [email protected] [email protected]
+44(0)1795 590140 www.cairn-research.co.uk
6) Analysing dual channel data
Additional plugins and modules are available in a variety of software packages for analysis of
dual channel data. For example, the ‘Splitview’ module in MetaMorph (Molecular Devices) or ‘Field
Split’ in iQ (Andor) are useful tools.
We have also written an ImageJ plugin to generate a composite RGB image with the ability to
pixel nudge each image in X and Y.
The .jar file can be downloaded from the ‘Software’ page on our website
Paste the (unzipped) file into the ‘plugins’ folder in your root MicroManager folder on the C drive.
A MicroManager plugin for use with version 2.0 is also currently in development. Keep an eye on
our website for more details.
Please contact us for any further assistance regarding data analysis (
7) Bypass Mode
The OptoSplit II Bypass is designed with a quick, simple mechanism for full field imaging without
the need to remove the image splitter. A 100% mirror moves into position in ‘Bypass’ mode which
blocks the reflected (shorter) wavelength, resulting in a single, central image projected onto the
camera sensor.
In Bypass mode with the Cairn filter cube in place, the single image observed will be the trans-
mitted (longer) wavelength channel. Depending upon your experimental requirement in Bypass
mode, there are several scenarios for optimal operation.