Oxygen Concentrator
PN 14940837 B — 18
Adjust Flow Control Rate
Turn the flow control knob to the oxygen flow rate (LPM)
prescribed by your physician.
To adjust flow rate:
Turn counter-clockwise to increase flow.
Turn clockwise to decrease flow.
The middle of the ball indicates flow rate.
There are two sets of lines (front and back). In the example below,
the flow meter would read “4LPM”.
WArnIng: It Is very ImPortAnt to seLeCt onLy the Pre-
sCrIBed LeveL of oXygen. do not ChAnge the fLoW
seLeCtIon unLess you hAve Been dIreCted to do so By A
LICensed CLInICIAn. the oXygen ConCentrAtor mAy Be used dur-
Ing sLeeP under the reCommendAtIon of A quALIfIed CLInICIAn.