Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009)
Tel:+86 592 5901215
web: en.caimore.com
Maximum upstream speed: Set the maximum upstream speed of the
Maximum downstream speed: Set the maximum downstream speed of the
Rule Name: Indicates the name of the rule to be added
IP Address: Select the IP address to be qualified.
Sharing mode: whether the bandwidth is evenly divided.
Upload bandwidth: set the maximum upload bandwidth.
Download Bandwidth: Sets the maximum bandwidth for the download
4.4.2 Captive Portal
Local push function is mainly used for pushing advertisement page link when using
gateways access to the Internet, the users can define the advertising pages link,
advertising push polling time and the time-frequency. Turn on this feature, when users
are in a networked process, the system will push "the first ad pages", then according
to the ads URL list and frequency,when there are users clicking in an Internet,ad pages
will be pushed, when to reach the polling time ad , it will push the "ended advertising
pages", the system starts to count polling time again, and do the cycles to push ads.
Picture 4-4-2
Ads push Port:
Port number listened by push program.
Ads polling time:
The interval between the first pushed ad to the final pushed ads
The first ad pages:
used for first received the ad page after access the Internet, it is
pushed just once under push polling time.
The Ended ad pages:
used for pushed ad page when polling time ends
Advertising Name:
user-defined ad name.
User-defined ad link.