厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
SA Lifetime
: Phase negotiation time.
Other Parameters:
DPD Delay / DPD timeout
: After tunnel is built, in order to check tunnel state, router
will send LCP packet in every tunnel check interval. When the number of
tunnel-checking failures over the value of “DPD timeout”, router will initiate to
terminate the connection and send a request to rebuild the tunnel.
: IP payload compression. L2TP
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) is a kind of VPDN technology, it’s specifically used
in transferring data in layer 2 tunnel. Also means it’ll encapsulate data units of layer 2(such
as PPP data) within an IP or UDP payload.
: IP address or domain of PPTP server.
Remote Subnet / Remote Mask
: Intranet information on server side.
User / Password
: LAC username and password.
: The way of PPTP to perform PPP authentication --
Pap: in this way, username and password are transmitted in clear text, the security
level of it is low.
Any: it will take one of four approaches to verify.
: Way to encrypt --
NoMppe: No encryption.