©2019 CAE 905K560252 v1.0
Using Luna
A variety of simulated sounds are available to enhance realism.
Heart Sounds
Heart sounds emanate from speakers and are synchronized with the cardiac cycle. Normal and
abnormal heart sounds are selected using this parameter. By default, heart sounds are set to
. The following sounds are available:
• Normal mitral
• Normal S1
• S3
• S4
• S3 and S4
• Early systolic murmur
• Mid systolic murmur
• Late systolic murmur
• Holosystolic murmur
• Late diastolic murmur
Heart sounds can be adjusted by clicking the
button on the Run screen. When the Sounds
panel appears, select
Heart Sounds
Lung Sounds
Lung sounds are independently synchronized with ventilation of the left and right lungs. Speakers in
the anterior regions provide breath sounds that can be auscultated using the StethoSym. Learners
can auscultate lung sounds bilaterally in the upper, lower and mid axillary regions.