Voice Prompt
Voice Prompt: Touch the Voice Prompt screen
button to change the volume of the voice prompts or to
turn the voice prompts on and off.
Voice Prompt Volume: Touch the + (plus) or
screen buttons to increase or to decrease the volume
of the voice prompts.
Turn voice turn instruction: Touch the ON or OFF
screen buttons to turn voice instructions on and off while
traveling on a planned route.
Route Preference
Touch the
Route Preference screen button to
change route options when the system calculates a
Allow highway: This feature allows the system to use
major roads when calculating a planned route.
Allow toll road: This feature allows the system to use
toll roads when calculating a planned route.
Allow ferry: This feature allows the system to use
ferries when calculating a planned route.
Allow time and seasonal restricted road: This
feature allows the system to use time restricted and
seasonal roads when calculating a planned route.
Edit Address Book — How to Add
To add an address to the address book, see “Adding
Destinations to the Address Book” under Destination on
page 2-14.
Edit Address Book — Edit/View
To edit the name of an address book:
1. Select the MENU hard key.
2. Select the NAV screen button.
3. Select the
Edit/View Address Book screen
4. Select the Address book entry.