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4. Reconnect battery charger black and red lead wires
previously removed in Step 2.
5. Measure across points G and H. 13.4 VDC should be
a. If 13.4 VDC is not measured, replace the
battery charger.
b. If 13.4 VDC is measured, the charger is working.
*note: Battery charger voltage will be higher than
battery supply voltage.
teSt 51 – check Wire 0 and Wire 15B
“load Shed tranSFer SWitch”
In order for the battery charger to function, battery supply
voltage must be available to the battery charger.
Refer to Figure 14.
1. Set VOM to measure DC voltage.
2. Remove and isolate battery charger black and red leads
from terminal strip points G and H.
3. Measure across points I and J on the terminal strip. 12
VDC should be measured.
a. If 12 VDC is measured, the charger should be
b. If 12 VDC is not measured, proceed to Step 4.
4. Remove Wire 0 and Wire 15B from generator terminal
strip. Refer to Figure 6.
5. Wait five (5) minutes after removing wires.
6. Measure across points J and K on the terminal strip.
Refer to Figure 6. 12 VDC should be measured.
a. If 12 VDC is measured, proceed to Step 8.
b. If 12 VDC is not measured, proceed to Step 7.
7. In the generator control panel, measure across Wire 15B
and Wire 0 at the customer connection. 12 VDC should
be measured.
a. If 12 VDC is measured, repair or replace Wire
0 or Wire 15B between the generator terminal
strip and the ground lug.
b. If 12 VDC is not measured, proceed to Step 5.
8. Set VOM to measure resistance.
9. Connect the meter test leads across the disconnected
Wire 0 and Wire 15B. Approximately 115 Ohms should
be measured.
a. If 115 Ohms is measured, proceed to Step 11.
b. If zero resistance or CONTINUITY is measured,
connect the meter test leads across locations J
and k on the load shed controller, Figure 12.
c. If zero resistance is measured, a short exists.
Replace the transfer relay (TR).
d. If 200 115 is measured, repair or replace Wire
15B between the generator and the transfer
10. Disconnect the J2 connector from the printed circuit
11. In the generator control panel, measure across Wire
15B at the customer connection and pin location J2-8
of the connector just removed. CONTINUITY should be
a. If CONTINUITY is not measured, repair or
replace Wire 15B between the J2 connector
and the terminal strip.
b. If CONTINUITY is measured, proceed to Step 12.
12. In the generator control panel, measure across Wire
0 at the customer connection and the ground lug.
CONTINUITY should be measured.
a. If CONTINUITY is not measured, repair or
replace Wire 0 between the customer connection
and the ground lug.
b. If CONTINUITY is measured and the pin con-
nection of J2 looks good, the internal fuse on the
PCB has failed. Replace the printed circuit board.
Part 3
sEctioN 3.4
DiaGNostic tEsts
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10/15/2008 11:27:48 AM