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sEctioN 4.4
DiaGNostic tEsts
Perform these “Diagnostic Tests” in conjunction with
the “Troubleshooting Flow Charts” of Section 4.3.
The test procedures and methods presented in this
section are not exhaustive. The manufacturer could not
possibly know of, evaluate and advise the service trade
of all conceivable ways in which testing and trouble
diagnosis might be performed. The manufacturer has
not undertaken any such broad evaluation.
teSt 56 – check poSition oF auto-oFF-
manual SWitch
If the standby system is to operate automatically, the
generator AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch must be set to
AUTO. That is, the generator will not crank and start
on occurrence of a “Utility” power outage unless that
switch is at AUTO. In addition, the generator will not
exercise every seven (7) days as programmed unless
the switch is at AUTO.
Figure 1. AUTO-OFF-MANUAL Switch Positions
With the AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch set to AUTO,
test automatic operation. Testing of automatic opera-
tion can be accomplished by turning off the Utility
power supply to the transfer switch. When the utility
power is turned off, the standby generator should
crank and start. Following startup, transfer to the
standby source should occur. Refer to Section 1.8 in
this manual.
Following generator startup and transfer to the standby
source, turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer
switch. Retransfer back to the “Utility” source should
occur. After an “engine cooldown timer” has timed out,
generator shutdown should occur.
1. If normal automatic operation is obtained, discontinue
2. If engine does not crank when utility power is turned off,
proceed to Problem 15 Flow Chart, Section 4.3.
3. If engine cranks but won’t start, go to Problem 17 in
Section 4.3.
4. If engine cranks and starts, but transfer to “Standby”
does NOT occur, go to Problem 7 in Section 3.3.
5. If transfer to “Standby” occurs, but retransfer back to
“Utility” does NOT occur when utility source voltage is
restored, go to Problem 8 in Section 3.3.
teSt 57 – try a manual Start
The first step in troubleshooting for an “engine won’t
crank” condition is to determine if the problem is
peculiar to automatic operations only or if the engine
won’t crank manually either.
1. On the generator panel, set the AUTO-OFF-MANUAL
switch to OFF.
2. Set the generator main line circuit breaker to its OFF (or
open) position.
3. Set the generator AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch to MANUAL.
a. The engine should crank cyclically through it’s
“crank-rest” cycles until it starts.
b. Let the engine stabilize and warm up for a few
minutes after it starts.
1. If the engine cranks manually but does not crank
automatically, go to Problem 15, Section 4.3.
2. If the engine does not crank manually, proceed to
Problem 16 in the “Troubleshooting Flow Charts”.
teSt 58 – auto-oFF-manual SWitch
(V-tWin only)
1. Press the “ESC” key on the controller until the home
page is reached.
2. Press the right arrow key until “Debug” flashes. Press
“Enter” and the following screen will appear. See Figure
2, Screen 2.
3. Press “Enter” when “Inputs” is flashing.
4. With the Inputs Screen displayed, place the AUTO-
OFF-MANUAL switch to the AUTO Position. If the
controller reads an input from the switch, Input 7 will
change from “0” to “1”.
Part 4
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