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Thus FNB rings 2, 3, and 4 are extended across the MMAC as far as
there are port switching modules to carry them. Port switching
MIMs are also compatible with earlier single-ring MIMs (e.g.
TRMIM) and will interconnect across FNB ring 1, but not across
FNB rings 2, 3, or 4. (Single-ring MIMs do not have port switching
capability and
support connections across FNB rings 2, 3, or
4.) For more explanation on four-ring FNB functionality, see
Appendix A,
Introduction to Four-Ring FNB Functionality
Note: It is recommended that all single-ring MIMs be grouped in
the left-most slots of the MMAC and all port switching MIMs be
grouped in the right-most slots
because any
single-ring MIM installed
between port switching MIMs will break the continuity of FNB rings 2, 3,
4; and management modules that have direct FNB interfaces to FNB rings
2, 3, and 4 require contiguous contact with other port switching MIMs to
maintain ring continuity.
1 . 2 . 6 L A N V I E W L E D s
The LANVIEW LED system is Cabletron Systems’ built-in,
“at-a-glance,” visual diagnostic and status monitoring system
which facilitates the quick diagnosis of physical layer network
problems. The LANVIEW LED system comprises several LEDs,
located on the front panel of the TRXMIM, which light, blink, and
flash in various colors to indicate various network and
module-specific conditions. The LANVIEW LED signal system is
discussed in detail in Section 4.2, LANVIEW LED SIGNALS.
1 . 2 . 7 N e t w o r k M a n a g e m e n t
With a management module installed in slot 1 of the MMAC, the
TRXMIM and other modules in the hub can be monitored and
controlled by a variety of network management tools including
Cabletron Systems Local Management, Remote LANVIEW
Windows, and SPECTRUM
. Any Token Ring management
module may be used to manage the TRXMIM, but only a module
that supports port switching can activate the port-switching
functionality of the TRXMIM.