9A128-01 and 9A129-01 Module Specific Information
ATM Connection Setup Screen Fields
The following information briefly explains each ATM Connection Setup Screen
ATM Port
Displays the MIB II interface number. Valid values are 4 through 67.
Current Connections
Displays the number of connections (PVCs and SVCs) configured to the module.
Displays the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of each connection. You assign VPIs in
the Add/Delete Entry screen.
Displays the Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) of each connection. You assign VCIs
in the Add/Delete Entry screen.
Encapsulation Type
Displays the method used to encapsulate data at the ATM Adaptation Layer 5
(AAL-5) for each connection. The 9A128-01/9A129-01 module supports the
following methods of encapsulation:
VC Mux 802.3 LANE (default)
VC Based Multiplexed 802.3 LAN Emulation. This method is specified by the
ATM Forum LAN Emulation specification.
VC Mux Bridged 802.3
VC Based Multiplexing for bridged protocols as defined by the IETF
RFC 1483.
LLC Encapsulation
Logical Link Control for Bridged Protocols as defined by the IETF RFC 1483.
AAL Type
Displays the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) type of each connection. The AAL
divides the user information into segments suitable for packaging into series of
ATM cells. The ATM Forum’s LAN Emulation specification dictates that AAL-5
be used for all LAN emulation traffic. The 9A128-01/9A129-01 module supports:
AAL-5 (