background image



Explanation of gr


symbols -

The lightning f


with arrowhead symbol,
within an equilateral tri-

angle, is intended to alert you
to the presence of uninsulated

“dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may
be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock
to persons.

The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert you to the presence of important ope-

rating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literatu-
re accompanying the appliance. 

Instructions - 


efully read through all the safety and

operating instructions before switching on any device for the
first time.

Keep these instructions in mind - 

They will be con


stantly referred to through this manual.


y special care to warnings - 

All the warning labels on

the product or warning notes in the user’s manual must be


w the instructions - 


ollow carefully all the instal-

lation and operation instructions.

Cleaning - 


s take off the power cord before cleaning

the device. Do not use cleaning solvent, whether liquid or air
spray. Using a soft damp cloth is recommended.

Accessories - 


o avoid incidents, only use accessories express-

ly recommended by Cabasse.


ater and moisture - 

The pr

oduct shall not be used in

damp or wet locations, such as humid basements, next to a
bathtub, sink, swimming pool or any other similar conditions.


ts and Stands - 

The ap

pliance should be

used only with a cart or stand that is recommen-
ded by the manufacturer.

> P

ortable cart warning


allation on a piece of furniture and stands -

Do not place this de

vice on an unsteady surface, i.e. a stand,

tripod, table, shelf, etc. It may fall and cause serious injury to
a nearby child or adult.


entilation outlets - 

The de

vice shall not be placed in a

position that restrains the operation of its fans. Avoid installing
the device on a bed, couch, blanket or other similar surfaces
that may prevent the appropriate air flow. Do not install the
device in a confined space, such as a book shelf or other piece
of furniture, that could prevent sufficient air from flowing


ower - 

The de

vice shall only be connected to a source of

power compliant to the one described in this manual or on rel-
evant printed labels on the product. If you are not sure of the
type of power available, please contact your reseller or the
local power company.


ower cords - 

The power cords must be laid out in such a

way that they cannot be walked on, pinched, bent under oth-
er devices. Also pay special attention to the matching of the
plugs and the connection of the cord to the device.

Lightning - 


or better protection against lightning or if the

device must remain unused for long stretches of time, unplug
the power cord and antenna jack. This minimizes potential
damages due to lightning or line surges.


erloads - 

Avoid overloading the power plugs, e


cords or power relays. This could result in fire or electric shocks.

Foreign bodies and liquids - 

Avoid letting f

oreign mate-

rials or liquids enter the device. They could cause fire or elec-
tric shocks. Never spill any liquid on the device.

Maintenance - 


s must never attempt to maintain the

device on their own, except for those maintenance operations
described in this manual. Any task beyond regular user main-
tenance must be performed by qualified service operators.


roubleshooting - 


ou must unplug your device from the

power supply and have it checked by a qualified technician if:

The power sup

ply or the plug is damaged.


oreign bodies or liquid penetrated the device.

The de

vice was exposed to dripping or splashing.

The de

vice does not seem to work correctly under normal

operating conditions. Only operate the controls described in
this manual. Any other operation could damage the device
and require on-site visit of a qualified technician.

The de

vice has fallen or its housing is damaged.

The per

formances of the device are strongly altered.

Spare par

ts - 

If spar

e parts are needed to repair the device,

make sure that the technician followed the manufacturer’s
recommendations or that the replacing parts feature the same
specifications as the original ones. Non-compliant parts can
result in multiple damages, including fire or electric shocks.

Checks - 


ter any servicing of the device, ask the techni-

cian to perform appropriate testing to make sure that the
device works safely.

Exposure to high temper

atures - 

The de

vice should

be kept away from heating sources, such as radiators, heaters,
amplifiers or any other similar item likely to make the operat-
ing temperature rise excessively.





ter opening the top carton flaps, remove the grille. Then

fold the carton flaps right back and invert the carton contents.
Lift the carton clear of the contents and remove the inner pac-
kaging from the speakers. We suggest you to retain the packing
for future use.



ers positioning

Our speak

ers have been designed to function in a vertical posi-

tion. Under these conditions, the polar response is most uni-

The majority of our models are delivered with a set of decou-
pling spikes or cones


, these accessories ar

e to be screwed in

the inserts under the cabinets. These accessories ensure the
stability of the speaker while limiting resonance coming from








Thank y

ou very much for choosing Cabasse speakers. 

Please read carefully these instructions before setting up your speakers.

Caution ! T

o prevent electric shock, match wide blade plug to wide

slot, insert fully.

Applicable for USA, Canada or where approved for usage

Cab notice MC40 BAT  2/07/08  16:11  Page 8

Summary of Contents for Cabrera MC40

Page 1: ...MC40 notice d installation des enceintes acoustiques loudspeakers owner s manual betriebsanleitung für lautsprecherboxen minorca java majorca cabrera formentera mercure www cabasse com ...

Page 2: ...f r a n ç a i s e n g l i s h d e u t s c h 1 3 2 4 5 6 d 1 5m d 5ft d d ...

Page 3: ...leurs HIGH LEVEL OUTPUT vers enceintes HIGH LEVEL OUTPUT connectors HIGH LEVEL OUTPUT zu den Lautsprechern Alimentation secteur Power supply Netzstecker Commutateur 115 230V AC voltage selector Betriebspannungsshalter q Interrupteur POWER POWER NETZ SHALTER w Réglage LEVEL LEVEL LAUTSTÄRKEREGLER e Réglage de la fréquence de coupure CROSSOVER FREQUENCY CROSSOVER FREQUENCY ÜBERGANGSFREQUENZREGLER r ...

Page 4: ...e piétinés pincés coincés par d autres appa reils posés dessus et une attention toute particulière doit être accordée à l adéquation des prises et à la liaison du cordon avec l appareil Foudre Pour une meilleure protection de l appareil pen dant les orages ou s il doit rester inutilisé pendant une longue période débranchez le cordon d alimentation et débranchez la prise d antenne vous éviterez ain...

Page 5: ... sol avec des supports pour enceintes les tweeters de l enceinte devant se situer approximativement à la hauteur des oreilles de l auditeur lorsque celui ci est en position assise Aucun élément table fauteuil ne doit gêner la propaga tion directe entre les enceintes et l auditeur Un effet de masque même partiel déséquilibre complètement la reproduction sonore car il provoque une atténuation des fr...

Page 6: ...gauche L left et droite R right du caisson de graves Si votre appareil ne possède qu une seule sortie monopho nique subwoofer LFE relier celle ci à l entrée LINE IN7 gauche L left ou droite R right indifféremment Connexion par les prises LINE OUT8 Les prises LINE OUT8 gauche L left et droite R right délivrent la modulation mise à l entrée LINE IN7 Ces sorties LINE OUT8 peuvent vous servir à branch...

Page 7: ...e vons tous les jours des lettres de clients satisfaits du choix de leurs enceintes et ces lettres sont pour nous la plus belle récom pense de nos efforts Étant donné l évolution des techniques mises en œuvre pour une fiabilité accrue et une recherche constante de qualité optimale Cabasse se réserve le droit d apporter toutes modifications aux modèles présentés sur les fiches techniques ou les doc...

Page 8: ...t remain unused for long stretches of time unplug the power cord and antenna jack This minimizes potential damages due to lightning or line surges Overloads Avoid overloading the power plugs extension cords or power relays This could result in fire or electric shocks Foreign bodies and liquids Avoid letting foreign mate rials or liquids enter the device They could cause fire or elec tric shocks Ne...

Page 9: ...reo with a subwoofer system5 For a stereo listening with 2 speakers or 2 satellites and 1 sub woofer we recommend you to place the subwoofer in the front listening area The placement of the subwoofer against a wall reinforces the low frequencies and limit the reflections from 80 to 200 Hz However to obtain the best results it is always necessary to carry out tests according to the acoustic of the ...

Page 10: ... with a stereo low level output then connect its L left and R right outputs to the L left and R right LINE IN9inputs of the sub woofer If your amplifier offers a one mono output connect it to either the L left or the R right subwoofer LINE IN9inputs Connections from the LINE OUT8 The signal from the L left and R right LINE OUT8 connec tors is the one being brought in by the L left and R right LINE...

Page 11: ...nt search for optimum quality Cabasse reserves the right to modify all the models presented in specification sheets advertising materials and manuals without prior notice Sensivity Cross over Frequency Nominal Minimum Power Peak Standard Dimensions Weight 1W 1m points response impedance impedance handling power finish hx lx p cm kg dB Hz Hz ohms ohms Watt Watt h xl xp lbs 10 89 900 69 23 000 8 3 3...

Page 12: ...n Elektrische Überlastung Verlängerungsleitungen oder Steckdosen nicht überlasten Feuer oder Stromschlaggefahr Fremdkörper und flüssigkeiten Darauf achten dass kei ne Fremdkörper oder Flüssigkeiten in das Gerät gelangen Feu er oder Stromschlaggefahr Wartung und Pflege Instandhaltungsarbeiten die über die in der Gebrauchsanleitung beschriebenen Vorgänge hinausge hen sind von qualifizierten Fachkräf...

Page 13: ...m Falle einer Stereo Abhörung mit 2 Lautsprecherboxen oder 2 Satellitenboxen und 1 Subwoofer empfehlen wir Ihnen den Subwoofer in der vorderen Hörzone aufzustellen Die Aufstel lung des Subwoofer in der Nähe einer Wand verstärk den Tief bass aber beschränkt damit die Reflexionen der Frequenzen von 80 bis 200 Hz Um den besten Klang zu erzielen empfehlen wir verschiedene Aufstellungsmöglichkeiten aus...

Page 14: ...r einen einzigen Monoausgang verfügt Subwoofer LFE muss dieser entweder mit dem linken L left oder rechten R right LINE IN7 Eingang verbunden werden LINE OUT8 Buchsen Die linken L left und rechten R right LINE OUT8Anschlüs se geben die am LINE IN7 Eingang ankommende NF Signale wieder An diesen LINE OUT8 Ausgängen kann der Verstärker der Hauptlautsprecher angeschlossen werden Zusammenschaltung mit ...

Page 15: ...e Kunden schreiben uns jeden Tag und das ist für uns die schönste Belohnung AKTIV SUBWOOFER MERCURE MC40 Max Schalldruck 114dB Phasenschalter 0 normale Phase 180 umgekehrte Phase Signaleingänge 2 tief 2 hoch Stromversorgung 115 230V AC 50 60Hz Max Leistungsaufnahme 165W Für hohe Zuverlässigkeit und optimale Qualität entwickelt Cabasse seine Geräte permanent weiter und behält sich deshalb das Recht...

Page 16: ...A 210 rue René Descartes BP 10 29280 Plouzané Tel 33 0 2 98 05 88 88 Fax 33 0 2 98 05 88 99 www cabasse com info cabasse com Service Consommateur France service conso cabasse com NOT0256 08 07 Crédit photos GPO ...
