Text Reader
In Text Reader mode all scanned text will automatically be read
out loud. This mode is especially valuable to anyone with
reading disabilities or if you’re reading your second language
and need to listen to text being pronounced.
Move the cursor to the option of “Text Reader” in the main
menu, and press the OK button to enter the interface of
listening function. The scanned text will be read out as default.
Listen Settings
: In the interface of listening function, press the
Menu button to get access to the context settings;
Adding Mode;
The device provides two modes of how to
treat scanned text; appending and replacing. With
the new scanned text will appear after the
cursor while with
, the new scanned text will
replace the previously scanned text line.
Scan Languages:
if more than one language is supported,
this is where to select which to use. Scan Language
always sync automatically with the correct TTS language.
In English there’s an option to select British English or