Mounting the Circuit Board
PC Mounted Potentiometers: Some kits will come with PC mounted pots
depending upon availability. If your kit has PC mounted pots follow
these steps for mounting the circuit board.
: Understand that the LED, and both potentiometers will be mounted and soldered
directly to the underside of the PCB. You should do the actual soldering on the topsid of
the PCB. Read through all the steps in this portion before doing anything so that you can
get the big picture .
Step 2: Install the LED but do not solder it or clip the leads
. You will insert the LED
into its eyelets. Make sure the longer lead goes in the round eyelet and the shorter lead
goes in the square eyelet. Yes this is correct! Longer lead in the round eyelet. Shorter
lead in the square eyelet. Now bend the leads of the LED so that it will not fall out of the
PCB when you flip it over.