3. Safety
3.1 Marking of informations
The following warning and safety information is used in this in-
stallation and operating manual. Warnings and instructions are
introduced by signal words that highlight the extent of risk.
The signal word “Danger” warns of an im-
minent danger that causes severe injuries or death.
The signal word “Warning” warns of a
potentially dangerous situation that could cause
severeinjuries or death.
The signal word “Caution” warns of a po-
tentially dangerous situation that could cause minor
The signal word “Note” warns of a situation
that could cause damage to property and environ-
mental damage.
Additional information for the operator.
Danger caused by electric current or
Always contact a qualified electrician
when working on equipment or locations marked
with this symbol.
NOTICE: The operating instructions are contained
directly on the device.
Completely desalinated
water is often needed in small and medium
quantities. In these situations, the use of BWT
MINISTIL ion exchanger cartridges is recommended.
3.2 Intended use
The water to be cleaned flows through the resin charge
evenly from top to bottom. The pressure-resistant
cartridges can be connected directly to the water pipe and
immediately produce the required amount of completely
desalinated water.
9-24V DC
Fig. 5:
Intended use