1 The warranty period is 2(TWO) YEARS from the date of delivery.
2 The product including all its components is under the warranty of our
3 In case of defects within the warranty period ,the period spent in repairing
is added to the warranty period.The repairing period is maximum 20 days.
This period starts from the date of delivery of the product to the services cen-
tre or in case of absence of service centre to the seller, the agency the rep-
resentative ,the importer or the manufacturer of the product respectively.In
case the defect is not repaired within 10 work-days ,the importer or the man-
ufacturer is entitled to supply another product with similar features until the
repair is completed.The warranty period of the replaced product is limited
with the warranty period of the product which is purchased.
4 In case the product has material ,workmanship and manufacturing defects during
warranty period, the product will be repaired free of charge and expenses of
any sort including labor, the value of the parts replaced or any our charges.
5 The consumer may request for replacement of product free of charge, refund
of payment or price reductions in the rate of defects
- In case the product permanently dysfunctions due to repeating of the same
defect for more than twice or more than twice or more than four different
times within the warranty period
- In case the maximum period for repairing is exceeded
- In case it is determined by a written report that the defect cannot be
removed by the seller ,agency, representative, importer or manufacturer of
the product respectively in case of absence of service centres.
6 The present warranty does not cover damages resulting from use of product
against the instructions in the manual.
7 General Administration of Protection of Consumer Rights and Competition in the
Ministry of Industry and Commerce may be applied for problems regarding the
warranty certificate.
8 In accordance with issues of consumer complaints and objections on the ap-
plication ,consumers can appeal the consumer courts and arbitral committee.
9 In case of the goods are found to be defective when consumers
a. Sold by declaring that it is ready to give back there turn from the contract,
b. Sold goods are held defective ratiod is count that request according to the
sales price,
c. Unless require an excessive charges including all costs borne by the seller
that request a free repair of the goods which has been sold.
d. If possible, ask for the replacement of free from defects in stead of goods sold
Consumer can use one of the elective rights. Seller's preferred consumer
is obliged to ful fill this demand.