BVM ®2021 22 10/2021
Once the glare shield is out of the way you will
be able to access the two screws that hold the
tray into place. The landing gear solenoids are
mounted to the front of the tray as well. You
should be able to pull the tray back where it is
easy to work on. Mount your RX and Gyro per
manufacture specs. The BVM demo model
uses a AR 20310T RX and a Demon Cortex
Pro gyro. All of your servo wires and
connections will be in this area as well. This is
also a alternate spot for ECU and RX
You will have to use battery extensions to get to the Spektrum RX and the ECU.
We made extensions to get our battery
leads to the front; we have two for the RX
and one for the ECU.
Here the batteries are shown in place
without the small amount foam we use to
hold them from sliding around. The
compartment is tight and will not need much
to hold them.