© 2016
BVC EBS Distribution GmbH,
central vacuum cleaner
Partial loss of the suction power
1. Check to see if the hose is clogged.
2. Check to see if the dust container is tightly shut.
3. Open the dust container. If the filter bag is full, change it.
Remove the suction pipe from the suction flange on the BVC central vacuum cleaner.
Push the POWER button and check the suction power at the suction flange. If the
motor produces enough suction power, the function of the motor is OK.
5. To find out where the pipe system is clogged, you need two people
to perform the test:
• Carry out the blockage test like it is described on the pages 45 and 46 of this
manual. Carry out this test for every valve.
• When testing the suction power, underpressure (all inlet valves are closed) should
not be maintained for more than 60 seconds in order to avoid an unnecessary
overload of the motor. When you have identified the blockage remove the measu-
ring adapter, switch on the BVC central vacuum cleaner manually by pressing the
POWER button at the device and open the correspondent valve by hand
repeatedly („pump“).
6. After identifying the position of the blockage, insert a cleaning worm into the pipe
system and push out the object clogging the pipe.
7. For further assistance please contact your local BVC partner or
BVC EBS Distribution GmbH.
BVC EBS Distribution GmbH, Londonstr. 9, D-97424 Schweinfurt,
Tel. +49 (0) 97 21 / 78 57-0, Fax 0 97 21 / 78 57-29.