The Mini Hellcat has been designed around sub-micro servos designed to run on 3.7v which
is the voltage of a single lipo cell. A single cell (1s) system allows the use of a super-light speed control
without BEC circuitry. I highly recommend sticking to the system outlined below. Most of the hardware is
available from
There are many motors that will work to power your mini hellcat. The
motor should weigh less
than 10grams, preferably around 6g. The AUW RTF should be between 40 and 50g, so we want at least
35g of thrust for basic flight and at least 50 to hover. Recommended motors: 1.
5.8g 70g thrust on 5030 prop 2.
8g 55g thrust on 5030 prop
Any servo designed to run on 1s (3.7v) that weighs less than 2g
Recommended servos
Speed control:
Any single cell controller that weighs around 1g.
Needs to have at least four channels.. It should weigh less than 4g and It should also feature
micro jst 1.25mm pitch connectors to match the recommended servos.
Recommended receivers:
FrSky TFR6M 2.4Ghz 6CH Micro Receiver FASST Compatible
So you may have figured out that you will need a 1s lipo battery! I recommend sticking to the
ones with the e-flight style plug. At the small end you will want at least 130mah capacity, on the heavy
side 160mah.
150mAh 1S 3.7V 45C LiPo Battery
nano-tech 130mAh 1S 3.7V 40C LiPo Battery
Any charger that is capable of charging a small LiPo battery
All of the motors listed above like a
the recommended speed controller does not come with any wires. Here is a list of the two wires
you need:
(you need one of these, connects ESC to receiver)
(you need to cut one of these off, connects from battery to ESC)
This model features elevons, you will need a transmitter capable of being programmed for
elevons or a v-tail function. You will need at least four channels, throttle, elevator, rudder, and aileron.
Transmitter setup:
Refer to your transmitter’s instruction manual for all settings.
1. Setup should result in 45 degrees of maximum deflection for rudder, elevator, and aileron
2. Set exponential for rudder at 40%, aileron 20%, and elevator at 70%.
3. Set dual rates if desired at 60% of max settings.
Final Checklist:
1. Center of Gravity at between 1” and 1-¼” behind leading edge of wing at tips.
2. Check controls for proper direction and free movement.
3. Charge battery.
4. Range check transmitter, refer to transmitter instructions.
Flying Tips:
The Mini-Hellcat has a rather low wing loading and does not like much wind.
For your first flight, I would recommend flying in a large outdoor area, wait for very calm conditions like
less than 5 mph wind. Once you get comfortable with the flying characteristics you will be able to fly in
much smaller areas, and outdoors in more wind.