Setting the clock and work plan
Abbee needs to wake-up fi rst, so if the display is blank, press “ok” to wake her up, if she’s
already awake, follow the instructions below
To set the clock, press “clock” then “ok”, these need to be pressed quickly in succession.
The hours will fl ash and then press “mode” or “home” to advance or retard the hours, once
correct, press “ok” and then the minutes will fl ash. Change these the same way and then
press “ok” to fi nish setting the time. Finally set the day in the same manner, press “ok” and
it’s done.
To set the work plan, press “plan”, then change the day and time in the same way as you
set the clock until all 7 days are set.
Abbee will automatically return to standby mode if there is a big gap between pressing
the buttons.
That’s it, you’ve done all the programming you need to do and if you want any help with this,
give us a buzz on
01235 841517,
we like to help.
If you want Abbee to clean at other times, simply press “clean”.
You can also press home when you want her to stop and go back to the charging base.
Setting up Abbee
Abbee’s battery, dust box and fi lter is already installed and so all you need to do is connect
her two side brushes and fi nd a suitable place for the charging station. Other bits you may
want are two little batteries (AAA size) for the remote control and two big batteries (D
size) for the virtual wall.
The fi rst thing to do is fi nd a good place for the charging station, ideally against a wall,
near a plug socket and somewhere that Abbee can fi nd (so will need to have about 3 foot
clear in front and to either side). Bear in mind that Abbee’s eye is only 4 inches off the
ground, so under a bed, side board or other furniture is fi ne, as long as you can reach it.
Once you’ve decided where, plug in and switch on (a little blue light will come on the top).
Now get Abbee and turn her over. You’ll notice two small spindles (one with an “L” and
the other with an “R” next to them), take two of the side brushes and push them on the
spindles (the other two brushes in the box are spares).
Now turn her over again. There may be some power already in the battery, so try and
switch her on with the red power switch on the side, if she springs to life, we’ll set the
clock and work plan now, if not, then switch her off and put her onto the charging station.
When she connects to the charging station, you’ll hear “please open the power switch” this
means switch her on. This may sound daft and you think, why switch her off fi rst if I’m only
going to have to switch her back on?, well because if she’s already on, she’ll sometimes try
and reverse off the charger. She’s fi ne when she does things herself.
Once she’s had awhile charging (up to 4 hours) we can set the clock and work plan.