Setting up Abbee
In the box there will be Abbee
a charger lead and charging station
a dust box and spare HEPA fi lter
a virtual wall
two sets of side brushes, and a remote control
a pet brush set
a mop set
Terms and Conditions of Use
Abbee is a gentle little vacuum, so big pets like horses, dogs, cats etc. will be fi ne whilst
she’s working (though do try to save her from being stood on or eaten as your warranty
doesn’t cover things like that) but small pets like hamsters or bees may get hurt or
“sucked-up”, so keep them away from Abbee and in a safe place.
Water and liquids
Abbee is electrical and has a battery, neither like getting wet, so please don’t wash Abbee
or give her a bath. Equally, don’t spill drinks etc. on her. If she does get wet, your warranty
will be invalid.
Please make sure that you only use the charger that was supplied with Abbee. Diff erent
chargers have diff erent power outputs, so although you may have another that fi ts the
socket, please don’t use it as this could be dangerous and your warranty won’t cover
any damage done by using the wrong charger. Her charging station is the best charging
option, she’ll fi nd it herself whenever she needs it.
oor areas
Abbee will work her way around a chair leg, bed, table, chest of draws etc. but will try to
eat shoe laces. Try to keep the fl oor clear of anything small that you don’t want vacuumed
up or that will get caught in her side brushes.
Abbee has a 2 year warranty that includes parts, labour and return postage costs. All you
have to do is post her back to us with a little note saying what’s wrong and the return
address with your contact details. You’ll also need proof of purchase, a copy of the original
receipt is best.
We want you to be happy with Abbee, and many issues can be solved over the phone, so if
you have any questions about Abbee, how she works or what to do if you think something is
wrong, just give us a buzz
01235 841517