CF 500
Centerfire Rifles
Based on a 100-yard zero
and the ballistics of the most
common magnum loads.
With MOA dots as the long-
range aiming points, the CF
500 offers a higher level of
precision than competing
extended-yardage reticles.
200 yds.
300 yds.
400 yds.
500 yds.
How To Use the Reticle:
1. Sight in at 100 yds on any magnification setting
2. Determine distance to target. For the best accuracy in determining distance, utilize a Bushnell
Laser Rangefinder (Scout 1000 ARC, Legend 1200 ARC).
3. Set the magnification to the appropriate setting.
4. Place appropriate aiming point on the desired target. If the target is determined to be at 350 yds,
hold directly between the 300 yd aiming point and the 400 yd aiming point
The CF 500 reticle will work with any of the following ammunition loads:
.223 Win 55 gr
.243 Win, 95 gr.
. 25-06 Rem 115 gr
.270 Win, 130 gr.
. 270 WSM, 150 gr.
.7mm Rem Mag, 150 gr.
This is only a partial list of the ammunition that the reticle is ballistically matched to. For a complete list of
all ammunition compatible with the CF 500 reticle technology, please visit:
.7mm WSM, 150 gr.
.30-06 Sprg, 150 gr.
.300 Winchester Mag, 180 gr.
.300 WSM, 180 gr.
.338 Win, 200 gr.