During operation the surface of the vacuum pump may reach tem-
peratures of more than 100°C.
Risk of burns!
The vacuum pump shall be protected against contact during opera-
tion. Before touching the vacuum pump, wait until it has cooled
down sufficiently or wear protective gloves.
Make sure that the installation space or location is vented in such a
way that sufficient cooling of the vacuum pump is warranted
The vacuum pump emits noise of medium intensity.
Risk of damage to the hearing.
People staying in the vicinity of a non noise insulated vacuum pump
over extended periods sof time must wear suitable ear protection.
Seco rotary vane pumps work absolutly oil free. The vanes are made of
special carbon materials and do not need any lubrication.
Make sure that all provided covers, guards, and protection grids
etc. have been fitted
Make sure that protective devices will not be disabled.
Make sure that cooling air inlets and outlets are not covered or
obstructed and that the cooling air flow is not affected adversely in
any other way
Make sure that the “Installation Prerequisites” (see “Installation
Prerequisites and Commissioning” are complied with and will re-
main so, particularly that there is sufficient cooling at all times.
The vacuum pumps can be equipped with a regulating valve (accesso-
Model SV: vacuum regulating valve
Model SD: pressure regulating valve
During operation of the vacuum pump, the regulation of either pres-
sure or vacuum can be done at any given time. To do this, turn the
button of the relevant valve.
The inlet pressure do not be less than 100 hPa (100 mbar abs.).
The overpressure do not be higher than 2000 hPa (2000 mbar abs.).
When the vacuum pump is switched off whilst still under vacuum,
gas may flow back into inlet pipe.
To avoid this, a non-return valve or shut-off valve has to be instal-
Always wear protective clothing when carrying out maintenance
During operation the surface of the vacuum pump may reach tem-
peratures of more than 100°C.
Risk of burns!
Make sure that the vacuum pump is shut down and cannot be ac-
cidentally switched on again
Let the vacuum pump cool down before starting any maintenance
Prior to disconnecting pipe-work make sure that the connected pi-
pes/lines are vented to atmospheric pressure
Maintenance Schedule
: The maintenance intervals depend very much on the individual
operating conditions. The intervals given below have to be considered
as starting values which should be shortened or extended as appro-
priate. Particularly heavy duty operation, such as high dust loads in the
environment or in the process gas, other contaminations or ingress of
process material, can make it necessary to shorten the maintenance
intervals significantly.
Every 6 Months:
Make sure that the vacuum pump is shut down and locked against
inadvertent start up
Check the suction lines for contamination or blockages.
Check the cooling coils and the fan cover regularly for dirt, clean
when neccessary.
A dirty fan cover or cooling coils prevent the proper intake of coo-
ling air which can lead to overheating of the vacuum pump.
The electrical connections must be checked by a specialist.
Every 100 - 500 Operating hours
Clean the inlet filter on the suction side at regular intervals. The
cleaning intervals depend on the quantity of dust contained in the
drawn air
If the filter is too dirty to be cleaned:
Remove the cover and replace the filter
Every 1000 Operating hours
Check the vanes, for the first time after 2000 operating hours (see
“Carbon vanes”)
Every 1000 - 2000 Operating hours
Replacing the outlet filter (SD version only). To do this, lift the co-
ver (see “Suction filter and outlet filter”)
Replacing the secondary suction filter (optional)
The bearings are pre-lubricated for life and will thus not require main-
tenance. Replace by original roller bearings only
Inlet filter and pressure filter (SD)
The inlet filter and the pressure filter must be cleaned at regular inter-
vals, depending on the amount of dust in the air being pumped. Blow
out the filter cartridges with compressed air from the inside out. If the
cartridge is too dirty to be cleaned, it must be replaced.
The cartridges can be taken out after the removal of the filter cover.
The lifetime of thecarbon vanes (h) depends on the application of the
vacuum pump. If the width of the vane reaches the given limit for re-
placement it is necessary to change the vanes.
Remove the filter cover and the cylinder endplate to change the vanes.
Blow out the compression chamber with dry compressed air.
Make sure that the vanes are positioned correctly and the right way
round (curved edge facing the cylinder wall).
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