Intended use
| 1473-1-7882
— 3 —
Pos: 6 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/1. Ebene/A - F/Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch @ 18\mod_1302763321316_15.docx @ 103483 @ 11 @ 1
Intended use
Pos: 7 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Sonstige Bereiche/Bestimmungsgemaesser Gebrauch - Rutenbeck USB-Kommunikationsadapter @ 23\mod_1334067874819_15.docx @ 207738 @ @ 1
The device serves for connecting multi-media devices via a USB connection.
Pos: 8 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/1. Ebene/U - Z/Umwelt @ 18\mod_1302614158967_15.docx @ 103383 @ 11 @ 1
Pos: 9 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Umwelt (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/Hinweise/Hinweis - Umwelt - Hinweis Elektrogeräte @ 18\mod_1302763973434_15.docx @ 103500 @ @ 1
Consider the protection of the environment!
Used electric and electronic devices must not be disposed of with domestic waste.
– The device contains valuable raw materials which can be recycled. Therefore, dispose of the
device at the appropriate collecting depot.
Pos: 10 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Überschriften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/2. Ebene/A - F/Entsorgung @ 20\mod_1325760636580_15.docx @ 136573 @ 12 @ 1
Pos: 11 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Umwelt (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/Hinweise/Hinweis - Umwelt - Entsorgung Elektrogeräte @ 20\mod_1325760695972_15.docx @ 136583 @ @ 1
All packaging materials and devices bear the markings and test seals for proper disposal. Always dispose of the
packaging material and electric devices and their components via the authorized collecting depots and disposal
The products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronic and electrical devices and
the REACH ordinance.
(EU Directive 2002/96/EC WEEE and 2002/95/EC RoHS)
(EU REACH ordinance and law for the implementation of the ordinance (EC) No.1907/2006)
Pos: 12 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Steuermodule - Online-Dokumentation (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenu+++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.docx @ 52149 @ 2 @ 1