BURGER KING Taylor 632 Equipment Operation Manual Download Page 53



4. Return to the freezer with a small amount of cleaning 

solution. With the black bristle brush, brush-clean the rear 
shell bearing at the back of the freezing cylinder. Brush-
clean the drive hub opening in the rear wall of mix hopper

5. Remove the rear drip pan from the side panel and take it 

to the sink for cleaning

6. Thoroughly brush-clean all disassembled parts in the 

cleaning solution, making sure all lubricant and mix film is 
removed. Take particular care to brush-clean the hole for 
the draw valve in the freezer door

7. Rinse all parts with clean, warm water. Place the parts on 

a clean, dry surface to air-dry overnight

8. Wipe clean all exterior surfaces of the freezer

Manual Brush-Cleaning (2)

Taylor Model C707

Summary of Contents for Taylor 632

Page 1: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE START CHECK Shake and Soft Serve Machine Equipment Operations Guide ...

Page 2: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE Shake and Soft Serve Machine Taylor Model 632 Taylor Model C707 Taylor Model C709 Taylor Model C606 ...

Page 3: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE Start Check Troubleshooting Repair Cleaning Maintenance Taylor Model C606 ...

Page 4: ...low it to flow intothe freezingcylinder Item Description 1 Keypads Shake 2 Display Vacuum Fluorescent Menu VFD 3 Keypad Menu Entry Exit 4 Keypads Soft Serve 5 Indicator Light Mix Out 6 Sw itch Pow er 7 Standby Soft Serve 8 Standby Shake 9 Keypads Topping Heaters 10 Display LED Brush Clean Countdow n 11 Calibrate Menu 12 Optional Flavor 13 Vanilla Flavor 14 Straw berry Flavor 15 Chocolate Flavor 16...

Page 5: ...ump inplace by slippingthe pump clipover the collar of the pump making sure the clipfitsinto the groovesin the collar 4 Install the pump end of the mix feedtube and secure with the cotter pin 5 Prepare another pail of an approved100PPM sanitizing solution Use warm waterand follow the manufacturers specifications 6 Pour the sanitizingsolutionintothe mix hopper 7 Brush the exposedsidesof the hopper ...

Page 6: ...out openthe draw valve and touch the Pump symbol Open and close the draw valve 6 times Openthe draw valve and draw off the sanitizingsolution 10 Touch the Wash and Pumpsymbols and close the draw valve 11 Place the agitatoron the agitator drive shaft housing 12 Remove the cotter pinfrom the pump Stand the mix feed tube inthe corner of the mix hopper Place the cotter pin in positioninthe outletfitti...

Page 7: ...e bottom of the mix hopper and allow it to flow into the freezing cylinder 4 Prepare two more pailsof an approved100PPM sanitizing solution Use warm waterand follow the manufacturers specifications 5 Install the air mix pump assemblyat the rear of the mix hopper To positionthe pump on the drive hub alignthe drive slot inthe pistonwith the drive crank of the drive shaft Secure the pump inplace by s...

Page 8: ...or the air mix pump pump clip mix feedtube and cotterpin 8 Pour the two pailsof sanitizingsolutionintothe mix hopper The sanitizingsolutionshouldbe within1 25mm of the top of the hopper 9 Using the white hopperbrush scrub the exposedsidesof the hopper Wait at leastfive minutesbefore proceeding withthese instructions 10 Place the powerswitch inthe On position 11 Touch the Wash symbol This will caus...

Page 9: ...draw valve 6 times 13 Touch the Pump symbol to sanitize the inside of the air mix pump and the mix feedtube 14 Open the draw valve and draw off all the remaining sanitizingsolution 15 Touch the Wash and Pumpsymbols to stop the Wash and Pump modes and to close the draw valve 16 Place the agitatoron the agitator drive shaft housing ...

Page 10: ...solutionand brush clean the syrupports inthe freezerdoor door spout bottom of the drivenspinnerand spinnerblade and syrupline fittings 20 With the syrupport brush brush each syrupport hole 10 to 15 times Dip the brush insanitizingsolutionbefore brushingeach port 21 Fill the squeeze bottle withsanitizingsolution Witha pail beneaththe door insert the tube end of the squeeze bottle intothe syrup port...

Page 11: ...rengthmix is flowingform the door spout touch any FlavorSelect symbol to close the draw valve 2 When mix stops bubblingdowninto the freezingcylinder remove the cotter pinfrom the outletfittingof the mix pump Insertthe outletend of the mix feedtube intothe mix inlethole in the mix hopper Place the inletendof the mix feedtube into the outletfittingof the mix pump Secure with cotter pin 3 Install the...

Page 12: ...olution Whenfull strengthmix isflowingform the door spout close the draw valve 2 When mix stops bubblingdowninto the freezingcylinder remove the cotter pinfrom the outletfittingof the mix pump Insertthe outletend of the mix feedtube intothe mix inlethole in the mix hopper Place the inletendof the mix feedtube into the outletfittingof the mix pump Secure with cotter pin 3 Selectthe Auto symbol 4 Fi...

Page 13: ...operationby touchingthe Auto symbol 3 Remove the hoppercover and agitator Take these parts to the sinkto wash rinse and sanitize 4 With a pail beneaththe door spout touch the Wash and Pump symbolsand open the draw valve Drain the product from the freezingcylinderandthe mix hopper 5 When the flow of product stops touch the Wash and Pump symbols cancellingthe Wash and Pumpmodes The shake draw valve ...

Page 14: ...ning Productfrom the Freezing Cylinder 2 6 Remove the lockingclip mix feedtube pumpclip and the assemblyair mix pump Place the parts intothe parts tray 7 Repeatsteps2 through 6 for the soft serve side of the freezer Taylor Model C606 ...

Page 15: ...he double ended brush brush cleanthe mix inlethole 2 With a mix pail beneaththe door spout touch the Wash symbol 3 Open the draw valve on the freezerdoor Drainall the rinse water from the door spout close the draw valve and touch the Wash symbol cancellingthe wash mode 4 Repeatthis procedure usingclean warm water until the water beingdischargedis clear 5 Repeatsteps1 through 4 for the soft serve s...

Page 16: ...e freezingcylinder 3 Using the white hopperbrush clean the mi hopper mix level sensingprobesandthe outside of the agitator drive shaft housing Using the double endedbrush clean the mix inlethole 4 Touch the Wash symbol This will cause the cleaning solutioninteh freezingcylindertocome in contact withall areas of the freezingcylinder 5 Place an empty pail beneaththe door spout Cleaning 1 Taylor Mode...

Page 17: ...r spout close the draw valve and touch the Wash symbol cancellingthe wash mode 8 Prepare a pail of an approved100PPM sanitizingsolution Use warm water and follow the manufacturers specifications 9 Repeatsteps2 through 7 with the sanitizingsolution 10 Repeatsteps1 through 8 for the soft serve side of the freezer Cleaning 2 Taylor Model C606 ...

Page 18: ...he freezerisnot in the AUTO or STANDBY mode whenthe heat cycle was programmed to start The freezermustbe in the AUTO or STANDBY mode The freezermustnow be disassembled and brush cleanedor placedin a heat cycle Mix out condition Level of mix in the mix hoppermust be up to the fill level indicatoronthe agitator paddle Freezer must be disassembledandbrush cleaned or placed ina heat cycle The agitator...

Page 19: ...or is operatingwhenthe draw valve israised Freeze upinmix inlethole Call an authorizedservice technician The mix pumpball crank is broken Call an authorizedservice technician Feedtube or check ring not properlyinstalled Make sure feedtube and rubber check ring are properlyinstalled Menu is displayedmaking flavorselectkeys inoperative Exit the menuby movingthe cursor arrow to EXIT and touchingthe C...

Page 20: ...gitator is not installed Cleanand sanitize the agitator and install The hopper temperature is out of adjustment Call an authorizedservice technician The mix inthe hopperis too cold The hopper temperature is out of adjustment Call an authorizedservice technician Mix Low and Mix Out probes are not functioning Milkstone build upinthe hopper Cleanhoppers thoroughly Product is collectingon top of the d...

Page 21: ...ve shaft Install correctly Inadequate lubricationof the drive shaft Lubricate properly The drive shaft and beater assemblywork forward Call an authorizedservice technician Worn rear shell bearing Call an authorizedservice technician Gear box out of alignment Call an authorizedservice technician The drive shaft is stuck in the drive coupling Mix and lubricant collected in drive coupling Brush clean...

Page 22: ...mblyisbent Replace beaterassembly Gear box is out of alignment Call an authorizedservice technician The product makesa poppingsound whendrawn Draw rate is set too fast Adjustdraw rate of 5 to 7 5 oz of product by weightin10 seconds Pump assembled incorrectly Assemble and lubricate according to instructions in thismanual Freezingcylindernot primedcorrectly Drain the freezingcylinderandreprime the m...

Page 23: ...u isdisplayed making the flavorselect keysinoperative Exit the menuby movingthe cursor arrow to EXIT and touchingthe CAL symbol The draw valve wasn t alignedwiththe actuator bracket whenthe freezer door was installed Reassemble withthe correct alignment Tighten the handscrewsin a crisscross patternwhen installingthe freezerdoor The draw valve was not lubricated Lubricate the draw valve and o rings...

Page 24: ...ricate the spinnershaft The spinnerblade became disengagedfromthe drivenspinnerwhenthe draw valve was raised Call an authorizedservice technicianto check the spinnercouplingpositionon the motor The product is too thick Check that the product temperature iswithin specification The shake actuator assemblyis out of alignmentor is malfunctioning Call an authorizedservice technician The mix pump will n...

Page 25: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE Key Contacts Taylor Company Rockton IL 61072 815 624 8333 Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 26: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE Start Check Troubleshooting Repair Cleaning Maintenance Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 27: ...w manufacturer sspecifications 2 Pour sanitizingsolutionintohopperand allow it to flow intothe freezingcylinder 3 Afterpouring solution brushclean the mix hopper Item Description 1 POWER SWITCH 2 MIX LOW Indicator Light 3 MIX Key Hopper Refrigeration 4 STANDBY Key 5 WASH Key 6 AUTO Key 7 Thermistor Control 8 Adjustable Draw Handle 9 RESET Button ...

Page 28: ...OWER SWITCH in the ON position 5 Press the WASH key Allow the solutionto agitate for 5 minutes 6 Place an empty pail beneaththe door spout Raise the prime plug softserve side only 7 When a steady stream of sanitizingsolutionflows open the draw handle Draw off all of the sanitizingsolution ...

Page 29: ...ATIONS GUIDE START CHECK Taylor Model 632 Daily Sanitizing 3 8 Close the draw handle and press the WASH key 9 Stand the air tube in the corner of the hopper 10 Repeatsteps1 through 9 for the shake side of the freezer ...

Page 30: ...lowingitto flowintothe freezingcylinder Thisforces out any remainingsanitizingsolution Whenfull strength mix is flowing close the draw handle 2 Once steadystream of mix starts flowing pushdown the prime plug softserve only 3 Lubricate the O rings on the air tube on endwith small hole on the side 4 Install the air tube the end withthe hole intothe mix inlethole inthe mix hopper ...

Page 31: ...ht The lightindicatesthe main refrigerationsystemisoperating The MIX lightwill alsocome on 6 Fill the hopper withmix As the mix level contactsthe mix level sensor the MIX LOW lightwill shut off 7 Place the mix hoppercover in positionoverthe mix hopper 8 Repeatstep 1 throughstep 7 for the other side of the freezer ...

Page 32: ...r tube Take these parts to the sink for cleaning 4 If local health codes permitthe use of rerun place a sanitizedstainlesssteel reruncontainerbeneaththe door spout Pressthe WASH keyand open the draw handle Drain the remainingproductfrom the freezing cylinderand mix hopper When the flow stops press the WASH keyand close the draw handle Place the sanitizedlidonthe reruncontainer and place it inthe w...

Page 33: ...ng Cylinder 2 5 If local health codes do not permitthe use of rerun the product must be discarded Follow the instructionsin the previousstep except drain the product into a pail and properlydiscard the mix 6 Repeatsteps1 through 3 for the other side of the freezer Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 34: ...spout raise the prime plug and press the WASH key 3 When a steady stream of rinse wateris flowingfromthe prime plug openinginthe bottom of the freezerdoor soft serve only open the draw handle Drainall the rinse water fromthe freezingcylinder close the draw handle and press the WASH keycancellingthe Wash mode 4 Repeatsteps1 through 3 for the shake side of the freezer Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 35: ...urer sspecifications 2 Push down the prime plug soft serve only Pourthe cleaningsolutionintothe mix hopper 3 While the solutionisflowingintothe freezingcylinder brush clean the mix hopper mix level sensingprobe and the mix inlethole 4 Press the WASH key This causes the cleaningsolutionin the freezingcylindertoagitate Cleaning 1 Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 36: ...of cleaningsolutionisflowingfrom the prime plug openinginthe bottom of the freezerdoor softserve only openthe draw handle Draw off all of the solution 7 Once the cleanerstops flowingfromthe door sprout close the draw handle and pressthe WASH keycancelling the Wash mode 8 Repeatsteps1 through 7 for the other side of the freezer Cleaning 2 Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 37: ...s blown Turn the breakeron or replace the fuse There isinadequate mix in the mix hopper Fill the mix hopperwith mix The air orifice is not installed softserve only Install air orifice inair tube The product is too stiff The viscosityneeds adjustment Contact a service technician The air orifice is not installed softserve only Install air orifice inair tube The product is too soft The viscosityneeds...

Page 38: ... drive shaft coupling or both Call a service technicianto correct cause and to replace the necessary components Do not lubricate the hex endof the drive shaft Mix and lubricant collected in the drive coupling Brush clean the rear shell bearingarea regularly The freezing cylinderwalls are scored Scraper bladesand or blade clips are damaged Replace scraper blades and orclips Missing or worn front be...

Page 39: ...m based lubricant Use the proper lubricant ex Taylor Lube No freezer operationafter pressingthe AUTO key Machine is unplugged Plug intowall receptacle The circuit breakeris off or the fuse is blown Turn the breakeron or replace the fuse The beatermotor is out on reset Resetthe freezer Product is not feedingintothe freezing cylinder Inadequate level of mix in the mix hopper Fill the mix hopperwith ...

Page 40: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE TROUBLESHOOTING REPAIR Key Contacts Taylor Company Rockton IL 61072 815 624 8333 Taylor Model 632 ...

Page 41: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE Start Check Troubleshooting Repair Cleaning Maintenance Taylor Model C707 ...

Page 42: ...ecifications 2 Pour sanitizingsolutionintohopperand allow it to flow intothe freezingcylinder 3 Afterpouring solution brushclean the mix hopper Item Description 1 MIX LOW Indicator Light 2 MIX OUT Indicator Light 3 MIX REF Key 4 STANDBY Key 5 WASH Key 6 AUTO Key 7 RESET Button Beater Motor 8 Pow er Sw itch Toggle 9 Hopper Temperature Indicator 10 Flavor Burst Jack ...

Page 43: ...POWER SWITCH in the ON position 5 Press the WASH key Allow the solutionto agitate for 5 minutes 6 Place an empty pail beneaththe door spout Raise the prime plug softserve side only 7 When a steady stream of sanitizingsolutionflows open the draw handle Draw off all of the sanitizingsolution ...

Page 44: ... 3 8 Once the sanitizingstopsflowingfromthe door spout raise the draw handle Pressthe WASH keyto cancel the beatermotor operation 9 Lubricate the mix feedtube O ringson the end of the tube withthe small hole on the side Stand the mix feedtube in the corner of the mix hopper ...

Page 45: ...lonsof freshmix intothe hopperand allow itto flow This will force out any remainingsanitizingsolution When full strengthmix is flowing raise the draw handle 2 Once steadystream of mix starts flowing pushdown the prime plug 3 When the mix stops bubblingdownintofreezingcylinder install the mix feedtube Insertthe endwith small hole on the side intothe mix inlethole in the mix hopper ...

Page 46: ...07 Priming 2 4 Press the AUTO key Whenthe machine cyclesoff the product will be at servingviscosity 5 Fill the hopper withfresh mix As the mix level comesin contact withthe mix level sensingprobe on the frontwall of the hopper the MIX LOW lightwill shutoff ...

Page 47: ...ke it to the sink for cleaning 4 If local health codes permitthe use of rerun place a sanitizedstainlesssteel reruncontainerbeneaththe door spout Pressthe WASH keyand raise the draw handle Place the sanitizedlidonthe reruncontainer and place it in the walk incooler If healthcodes do not permit the use of rerun the product must be discarded Drain the product into a pail and properlydiscard it 5 Rem...

Page 48: ...d press the WASH key 3 When a steady stream of rinse wateris flowingfromthe prime plug openinginthe bottom of the freezerdoor lowerthe draw handle Drain all the rinse water from the freezingcylinder Whenthe waterstops flowingfromthe door spout raise the draw handle and press the WASH key to cancel wash mode 4 Repeatthis procedure until the rinse waterbeingdrawn from the freezingcylinderisclear Tay...

Page 49: ...cturer sspecifications 2 Push down the prime plug Pour the cleaningsolutioninto the mix hopper 3 While the solutionisflowingintothe freezingcylinder brush clean the mix hopper mix level sensingprobe and the mix inlethole 4 Press the WASH key This will cause the cleaning solution in the freezingcylindertobe agitated Cleaning 1 Taylor Model C707 ...

Page 50: ... plug 6 When a steady stream of cleaningsolutionisflowingfrom the prime plug openinginthe bottom of the freezerdoor lowerthe draw handle Draw off all of the solution 7 Once the cleanerstops flowingfromthe door sprout raise the draw handle and press the WASH keyto cancel the wash mode Cleaning 2 Taylor Model C707 ...

Page 51: ...in the OFF position Make sure no control panel lightsare on 2 Remove the handscrews freezerdoor beater scraper blades and driveshaftfromthe freezingcylinder Take these parts to the sinkfor cleaning 3 Remove the feedtube the front driptray and the splash shield Disassembly Taylor Model C707 ...

Page 52: ...the label directions too strong of a solutioncan cause parts damage while too mildof a solutionwill notprovide adequate cleaning 2 Remove the seal from the driveshaft 3 From the freezerdoorremove the gasket frontbearing pivotpin adjustable draw handle draw valve andprime plug Remove all O rings To remove O rings use a single service towel to grasp the O ring Applypressure upward until O ring pops ...

Page 53: ...er 5 Remove the rear drippan from the side panel and take it to the sink forcleaning 6 Thoroughlybrush cleanall disassembledpartsin the cleaningsolution makingsure all lubricantand mix filmis removed Take particular care to brush cleanthe hole for the draw valve inthe freezerdoor 7 Rinse all parts with clean warm water Place the parts on a clean dry surface to air dry overnight 8 Wipe clean all ex...

Page 54: ...ect rotationto clockwise from operator end The circuit breakeris off or the fuse is blown Turn the breakeron or replace the fuse There isinadequate mix in the mix hopper Fill the mix hopperwith mix The product is too stiff The viscosityneeds adjustment Contact service technician The product is too soft Viscosityneedsadjustment Contact service technician Not enoughairspace around machine Allowfor a...

Page 55: ...F lightis not on Press the MIX REF key The driveshaft is stuck in the drive coupling Roundedcorners of driveshaft coupling or both Call service technicianto correct cause and to replace the necessary components Do not lubricate the hex endof the driveshaft Mix and lubricant collected in the drive coupling Brush cleanthe rear shell bearingarea regularly The freezing cylinderwalls are scored The bea...

Page 56: ...ace regularly Inadequate lubricationof draw valve O rings Lubricate properly Wrong type of lubricant is beingused Use the proper lubricant No freezer operationafter pressingthe AUTO key Machine is unplugged Plug intowall receptacle The circuit breakeris off or the fuse is blown Turn the breakeron or replace the fuse The beatermotor is out on reset Resetthe freezer Product is not feedingintothe fre...

Page 57: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE TROUBLESHOOTING REPAIR Key Contacts Taylor Company Rockton IL 61072 815 624 8333 Taylor Model C707 ...

Page 58: ...EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS GUIDE Start Check Troubleshooting Repair Cleaning Maintenance Taylor Model C709 ...

Page 59: ...x Out Indicator 5 Standby Key 6 Mix Low Indicator 7 Select Key 8 Service Menu Key 9 Brush Clean Counter 10 Arrow Keys Sanitizing 1 Prepare 100PPM sanitizingsolution Use warm water and follow manufacturer sspecifications 2 Pour sanitizingsolutionintohopperand allow it to flow intothe freezingcylinder 3 Afterpouring solution brushclean the mix hopper ...

Page 60: ...the POWER SWITCH in the ON position 5 Press the WASH key Allow the solutionto agitate for 5 minutes 6 Place an empty pail beneaththe door spout Openand close the draw valve 6 times Then open the draw valve and draw off the sanitizingsolution 7 Press the Wash keyand close the draw valve ...

Page 61: ...the innerand outer feedtubes Do not lubricate the O ring on the air orifice Place the innerfeedtube inside the outer feedtube 9 Install the air orifice intothe hole inthe top of the inner feedtube 10 Stand the assembledfeedtube inthe corner of the mix hopperand place the agitator on the agitator housing ...

Page 62: ...olution When full strengthmix isflowingfromthe door spout close the draw valve 2 When mix stops bubblingdowninto the freezingcylinder install the assembledfeedtubesinthe mix inlethole The pin on the innerfeedtube shouldbe turned and positionedat the bottomof the notch in the outer feedtube This will alignthe holesinthe feedtubesand allow mix and air to enterthe freezingcylinder 3 Selectthe Auto ke...

Page 63: ...ation 2 Remove the hoppercover the agitator paddle and the assembledfeedtube Take these parts to the sinkfor cleaning 3 With a pail beneaththe door spout pressthe Wash key and open the draw valve Drain the product from the freezingcylinderand the mix hopper and properlydispose of the mix 4 When the flow of product stops press the Wash key cancellingthe Wash mode Close the draw valve Taylor Model C...

Page 64: ... hopper 2 With a pail beneaththe door spout raise the prime plug and press the WASH key 3 Open the draw valve on the freezerdoor Drainall the rinse water form the door spout close the draw valve and press the Wash key cancellingthe Wash mode 4 Repeatsteps1 through 3 using clean warm water until the waterbeingdischarged isclear Taylor Model C709 ...

Page 65: ...pperand allow the solution to flow into the freezingcylinder 3 Using the white hopperbrush clean the mix hopper mix level sensingprobes andthe outside of the agitator drive shaft housing Using the double endedbrush cleanthe mix inlethole 4 Press the WASH key This causes the cleaningsolutionin the freezingcylindertomake contact with all areas of the freezingcylinder Cleaning 1 Taylor Model C709 ...

Page 66: ... empty pail beneaththe door spout 6 Open the draw valve on the freezerdoorand draw off all the solution 7 Once the cleaningsolutionstopsflowingfrom the door spout close the draw valve and press the Wash key cancellingthe Wash mode Cleaning 2 Taylor Model C709 ...

Page 67: ...t withdrive shaft seal fromthe freezingcylinder 3 Remove the scraper blades 4 Remove the drive shaftseal from the drive shaft 5 Remove the freezerdoorgasket frontbearing pivotpin draw handle and draw valve Remove the three O rings from the draw valve 6 Remove the frontdrip tray and splashshield 7 Remove all drip pans and take them to the sinkfor cleaning Disassembly Taylor Model C709 ...

Page 68: ...e all lubricantand mix filmis removed Be sure to brush all surfaces and holes especiallythe draw valve hole inthe freezerdoor 4 Rinse all parts with clean warm water Place the parts on a clean dry surface to air dry overnight 5 Returnto the freezerwitha small amount of cleaning solution Using the black brush cleanthe rear shell bearingat the back of the freezingcylinder 6 Wipe all surfaces of the ...

Page 69: ...de The freezermustbe disassembledand brush cleanedor placedin a heatcycle Mix out condition Level of mix in hoppermust be up to fill line on agitator paddle The freezermustbe disassembledandbrush cleanedor placedin a heat cycle The agitator is not installed The agitator must be cleanedand installed before startingthe heatcycle The freezermust be disassembledandbrush cleanedor placed in a heatcycle...

Page 70: ...s blown Turn the breakeron or replace the fuse Beater motor is out on reset BEATER OVERLOAD message appears Turn the machine off Press the reset button Restart the machine in Auto mode Machine not inAuto mode SelectAuto mode and allowmachine to cycle off before drawingproduct Feedtube not properly installed Make sure feedtube is properlyinstalled Freeze upinmix inlethole Call an authorizedservice ...

Page 71: ...water W C Locate cause of water loss and correct Viscosityneedsadjustment Contact service technician The product is too thick Freezingcylindernot primedcorrectly Drain the freezingcylinderandre prime the machine The viscositycontrol isset too cold Call an authorizedservice technician Freeze upinmix inlethole Call an authorizedservice technician The mix inthe hopperis too warm Hopper cover is not i...

Page 72: ...e mix leakage from door spout Missing or worn draw valve O rings Install or replace regularly Inadequate lubricationof draw valve O rings Lubricate properly Wrong type of lubricant is beingused Use the proper lubricant Excessive mix leakage intothe rear drip pan Missing or worn seal on drive shaft Install or replace regularly The drive shaft seal is installedinside out Install correctly Improperlu...

Page 73: ...gand scraper blades Install or replace the front bearingand scraper blades The baffle rodon the freezerdooris broken Replace freezerdoor Beater assemblyisbent Replace beaterassembly Gear box is out of alignment Call an authorizedservice technician The product makesa poppingsound whendrawn Draw rate is set too fast Adjustdraw rate of 5 oz to 7 5 oz 142g to 213g of product by weightin10 seconds Free...

Page 74: ...ris off or the fuse is blown Turn the circuit breakeron or replace the fuse The beatermotor is out on reset Resetthe freezer Product is not feedingintothe freezing cylinder Inadequate level of mix in the mix hopper Fill the mix hopperwith mix The mix inlethole isfrozen up The mix hoppertemperature needsadjustment Call service technician Taylor Model C709 Key Contacts Taylor Company Rockton IL 6107...
