ADP3CA Free-Air® Pump
User Manual
Read all instRuctions befoRe using
this PuMP
table of contents
geneRal infoRMation ........................................... 1, 2
WaRnings ............................................................. 3
PuMP coMPonents ................................................. 4
bReathing aiR ReQuiReMents ............................... 4
asseMblY and installation
assembling the free-air Pump .......................... 4
how air Motor Works ........................................ 4
how Motor drives Pump .................................... 4
how Pump supplies air .................................... 4, 5
installation ..................................................... 5
oPeRating the fRee-aiR PuMP ............................... 5, 6
Maintaining the fRee-aiR PuMP
Maintaining the air Motor ................................. 6
Maintaining the Pump ...................................... 6
ensuring Pump Performance .............................. 6
tRoubleshooting guide ....................................... 6, 7
RePlaceMent PaRts ............................................... 7
PuMP WaRRantY .................................................... 7
aiR filteR RePlaceMent schedule ........................ 7, 8
authoRiZation foR RetuRned goods .................... 8
general information
Bullard Free-Air Pumps transfer ambient air from a clean air location, where
breathable air can be assured at all times, to workers wearing Type C or CE
continuous flow airline respirator hoods or tight fitting half or full face masks.
The ambient air is filtered through a medium efficiency inlet air filter and a carbofine
outlet filter before entering the respirator’s air supply hose.
Bullard Free-Air Pumps are oil-less and have rotary carbon vanes. They produce no
carbon monoxide, oil vapors, oil mist or moisture. They do not require expensive
carbon monoxide monitors, high temperature alarms or airline filters. No calibration
is required.
Drive-air pressure (psig) determines horsepower of air motor which
directly affects output air pressure and output air volume.
The chart on the next page is where you can find the relevant output air pressure
(psig) corresponding to the respirator’s approved pressure range to determine the
pump’s total air volume (cfm) and the maximum number of respirators that can be
used at that air volume.