This process will destroy all data – make a backup if you need to retain data
1) Install drive on to a computer via SATA or USB, power up computer
2) Right click My Computer > Manage > Disk Management
- Note the drive disk number for the NAS disk drive you are preparing
(example, Disk 2)
- Close Disk Management program
3) Start > Run > CMD > DISKPART [enter]
- Runs DISKPART program
- DISKPART program may be stopped at anytime by typing EXIT [enter]
4) type LIST DISK [enter] (space between LIST and DISK)
- DISKPART creates a list of all drive disks on your computer
- Note the disk number under Disk ### header (example, Disk 2)
5) type SELECT DISK 2 [enter] (space between each word and disk number)
- Response: “Disk 2 is now the selected disk.”
6) type CLEAN [enter]
- This will un-allocate and “un-initialize” the disk
- Another command is “CLEAN ALL”:
- Will place “0”’s on entire disk space
- Clean All will take a lot of time and is not necessary for NAS drive prep
- Clean All is good to use if you are disposing or selling a drive
7) After CLEAN is completed, type EXIT [enter], to exit DISKPART
- Don’t leave DISKPART hanging operational, exit the program
8) Power down computer, remove drive
The above process of drive preparation is complete.
Repeat for any additional “used” drives you may have for the NAS.
Special Note: You can also perform this process on new drives if they will not
initialize in the NAS. Initialization process described later.