[Original Instructions]
Running a Grinding-Polishing Cycle
When the RUN CYLCE is activated, the MiniMet 1000 will automatically display the remaining
time in the LCD window and for the first 10 seconds of the cycle, the FORCE will be 50% of the
initial FORCE value.
All parameter values must have a non-zero value entered before running a grinding-polishing
All parameter values except TIME can be changed during a RUN CYCLE.
When the RUN CYCLE finishes (0:00), the Load Arm will release all pressure and the TIME
parameter will automatically reset to its original programmed value.
If the RUN / STOP button is pressed at any time during a cycle, the cycle will stop and
pressure on the Load Arm will be released.
Equipment Damage.
Do not lift the Load Arm after starting a RUN CYCLE. An inaccurate
force could be applied to the specimen.
Stopping a RUN CYCLE
Once a RUN CYCLE has been stopped, three options are available:
1. Complete the RUN CYCLE. Press the RUN / STOP button again. The original TIME value will
be restored when the cycle is complete.
2. Reset the TIME value to the original value programmed. Use the INCREASE or DECRESE
buttons to select the appropriate time value.
3. Set a new TIME value. Use the INCREASE or DECRESE buttons to select the appropriate
time value. The new TIME value will be rounded off to the nearest 10 seconds (30 seconds is
the minimum).