Product Information
EM100 – 6720891034 (2019/04)
Damage caused by frost
The system can freeze if it is switched off:
▶ Observe the notices regarding frost
▶ Due to the additional functions, e.g.
DHW heating or pump anti-seizure
protection, the system should always
be left on.
▶ Have faults rectified immediately.
Product Information
The module can adjust the boiler flow temperature or the
boiler output via an external control signal with 0–
10 V (direct voltage).
The module signals faults in the floor standing boiler and
system faults, apart from service displays, faults in external
controllers or maintenance for the installer.
The module can be used to activate a second solenoid valve
and for boiler versions operated with liquid gas.
The module serves as an expansion module for EMS and
EMS plus boilers.
The module serves as the modulating speed control “Flow
Control” of a boiler circulation pump (0-10 V or PWM) in
combination with a low loss header or heat exchanger.
The boiler circulation pump adapts the flow rate on the
boiler side and prevents an increase in the return
temperature of the boiler. The objective is to optimise the
utilisation of calorific value and to save power. The choice of
0-10 V or PWM signal makes the function suitable for floor
standing heat sources and wall-mounted indoor units
GB162 >45 kW with factory-installed pump assembly.
3 control types can be selected:
1. Flow temperature control: difference between heating flow
and system flow
(recommended for low loss header)
2. Power regulation: parallel to boiler output (if additional
sensor is not possible)
3. Difference between heating flow and return
(recommended for heat exchangers)
The combination options for the modules are shown in the
connection diagrams.
Important notices on use
The range of functions depends on the control unit
installed. Detailed information on control units can be
found in the technical guide and on the website of the
The installation room must be appropriate for the IP rating
stated in the technical data of the module.
Controls of the heat source
This control strategy is used when the heating system is
controlled using a building management system with a 0–10 V
controller output (
Fig. 22 at the end of the document).
Table 2
Control based on output/flow temperature
2.2.1 Output control
Linear relationship between the 0–10 V signal (U in volts) and
the required performance (P in percent)
Fig. 1
Linear relationship between the 0–10 V signal (U in
volts) and the required performance P (in percent
with reference to the maximum system
The connected heat sources are enabled and disabled
according to the required output.
Input voltage
output setpoint
Boiler status
0 V - 0.5 V
0 %/0 °C
0.6 V
approx. 6 %/
approx. 15 °C
on if > min. output
5.0 V
approx. 50 %/
approx. 50 °C
10.0 V
approx. 100 %/
approx. 90 °C
P / %
U / V