Buck Tech Inst - Warn Doc (02/07/18)
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P/N 230420
work, one of the two pawls of the receptor end of the buckle is depressed while tension is induced on the strapping attached to
the buckle, the potential exists that disengagement of the tab end of that side from the pawl may occur. If that position is
maintained and again through the user
s movements or contact with an obstruction the opposite side pawl is depressed, the tab
end of the buckle may totally disengage from the receptor end.
To eliminate the potential for this condition, you the user should:
1. Inspect your equipment before each use as you would for all safety equipment. Equipment should be
replaced if you have any question / doubt about it being safe for use.
2. Always position the buckles of your equipment so that contact with obstructions is avoided.
3. Test the pawls on your Quick Connect Buckles to ensure they freely rotate and return to their original
position. If any pawl does not freely rotate, the buckle should be (a) cleaned as outlined below to ensure
there are no obstructions inside the buckle hindering its intended function and (b) lubricated with a lightweight
lubricant such as WD-40
as recommended for locking snaphooks. If the pawl still does not freely rotate,
you should contact Buckingham Mfg. at the telephone number outlined below and request a Returned Goods
Authorization Number for immediate return of your harness or Arborists tree saddle for our inspection and/or
buckle replacement.
4. Ensure the receptor end and tab end of the Quick Connect Buckle is fully connected with both locking pawls engaged.
When the two halves are properly attached together, a clicking sound should be heard. Complete by pulling the adjuster
strap through the buckle and tighten until it is snug but comfortable, thus ensuring complete engagement.
Buckingham's primary concern is to provide a quality product to its customers to enable them to carry out their profession in a
safe manner. However, we always require our customer’s assi
stance in proper equipment operation, inspection and
Full Body Harnesses (FBH)
Manufacturer’s instructions shall be provided to the user of this product. If additional copy is needed, contact Buckingham
Mfg. Co.
d carefully, understand and heed these and all instructions, warnings and cautions as well as the ANSI Z359 “General
Requirements and Information” provided in the included Annex “A” and packaged with this product before using this equipment.
Failure to do so could result in your serious injury or death. Employer
instruct employee as to the proper use, warnings and
cautions before use of this equipment.
ANSI Z359.11, ASTM F887 and applicable OSHA regulations are standards / regulations utilized by Buckingham Manufacturing
Co. for various full body harnesses (FBH) manufactured. Harnesses are labeled to these standards as they are applicable.
harnesses are intended as personal protection equipment for use by properly trained professionals
only. Each piece of equipment is important in its function and design and in its relationship to all other
components. Energy absorbing lanyards should be considered as a part of a personal fall arrest system used in
conjunction with a
harness. The energy absorber (pack end) must always be attached to the fall arrest
attachment device included on the user
s equipment. Cover of energy absorber should not be removed and
will not have any effect on the shock absorbing feature. Harnesses must be worn so the fall arrest
attachment is centered in back
near shoulder blade level. It is recommended that:
A connecting device and fall arrest attachment manufactured with a web loop be attached with a hitch
(See detail), or carabiner.
If using a locking snap hook to a web loop fall arrest attachment the web loop must be protected by an integral wear piece
to enhance visual inspection.
All Web loop fall arrest attachments must be inspected before each use. The inspection should include, but not be limited
to, inspecting for: webbing cuts, kinks, abrasions, burns, excessive swelling, excessive wear, discoloration, charring,
broken fibers, loose stitching and chemical or physical exposures.
Note: The use of a locking snaphook to a web loop fall arrest attachment without an integral wear piece is acceptable in
emergency situations (i.e. rescue, evacuation, etc.) Attachment of a locking snap hook to a web loop fall arrest attachment with
no wear piece can cause premature wear of the webbing and stitching. This degradation can cause the web loop layers to
separate and be incapable of supporting your weight. Therefore, the web loop fall arrest attachment must be inspected before
use. Additionally, connections used to attach to the fall arrest attachment must have a minimum gate rating of 3600 lbf. and
meet ANSI Z359.12 requirements.
OSHA requires that impact force in a fall not exceed an 1800 lbf. limit with a harness. Proper use of a harness with an energy
lanyard will allow compliance with these limits when properly assembled.
Selection of products should be such that they aid the worker in the performance of his job and particular work situation. See
sections 10-
16 of the included Annex “A” which provides additional information
concerning the location and use of various
attachments that may be provided on the
Full Body Harness (FBH)
. Therefore, be certain this equipment is suitable for the
intended use and work environment. It should only be used as personal protection equipment If suitability for intended use is
questionable, always consult your Supervisor, Safety Director or contact Buckingham Mfg. at (607) 773-2400 or