B T L - 1 3 0 0
M e d i c a l T e c h n o l o g i e s s . r . o .
p a g e 3 o f 9
1 U S E R ‘ S M A N U A L
1 . 1 C O N F I G U R A T I O N O F T H E B T L - 1 3 0 0 C O U C H
The couches are manufactured in fifth basic configurations: one section for the exercise therapy according to Bobath
and Vojta, two sections with one motor, three sections with one or two motors, five-sections with one or two motors
and three section traction couch.
The mid-section of the three and five-section couch can be adjusted electrically or mechanically.
Bobath couch is designed for the exercise therapy according to Bobath and Vojta. It offers enough space for
both the therapist and patient.
2-section couch. It enables easy manipulation of the patient and facilitates the therapist’s work. The extended
model of two-section couch with adjustable backrest (0°/+20°) is suitable for traction treatment.
3-section couch has a mechanically or electrically adjustable mid-section. The flex positioning is optimal for
low back treatment . The extended model with negative adjustment is suitable for Trendelenburg position and
hand traction.