What’s happening
What to do
No light
The power is off or
you’ve turned the
lights off
If you haven’t turned the lights off, check that the Hub’s Power button is on, its power cable
is plugged in correctly at the mains and power is turned on. If there’s still no light, call us on
0800 111 4567. We’re usually less busy between 12pm and 6.30pm
Green light
The Hub is starting up
Wait a couple of minutes for it to start
orange light
The Hub is connecting
to broadband
Give it a minute or two to connect. The light will turn steady blue when your Hub is ready
purple light
The Hub is working but
the broadband cable
isn’t connected
Check the broadband cable (black with grey ends) is plugged in correctly and you’re using a filter,
if needed. You can see which cable goes where on page 4
orange light
The Hub is working but
isn’t connected to the
Connect a device to your Hub using a cable or wi-fi. Open a new web browser window and follow
the on-screen help wizard to get connected
Red light
There’s a problem
Using the Power button, turn your Hub off and on again. If the light still doesn’t turn blue, use a paper clip to
press your Hub’s Factory Reset button. If this doesn’t fix it, call us on 0800 111 4567. We’re usually less
busy between 12pm and 6.30pm. Make sure you’re next to your Hub with a computer or device if you call
Blue light
The Hub is working fine
If you can’t get online, there might be a problem with your computer, tablet or mobile device.
Turn it off and then on and try again. If you’ve still got a problem, get some help from the
manufacturer or supplier
WPS button
and light
If it’s flashing blue, it’s waiting for you to press the WPS button on your computer or device (you’ve got
two minutes). If it’s flashing red, it didn’t connect – give it a couple of minutes and try again.
No light means that it’s connected successfully
What your Hub lights mean
WPS Wi-Fi Se
WPS Wi-Fi Se
For more help, go to bt.com/help/broadband